
AS ISO 3498 pdf download

AS ISO 3498 pdf download

AS ISO 3498 pdf download.Safety and public health requirements for plumbing products — Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks
1  Scope
This Standard specifies basic requirements, related to safety and public health, for water heaters and hot-water storage tanks that are intended for connection to a drinking water supply, such as: (a) storage water heaters; (b) heat-exchange water heaters; (c) hot-water storage tanks with an external energy source; (d) instantaneous water heaters; and (e) boiling-water dispensers. This Standard applies to water heaters using any type of heating irrespective of the source of the heat energy imparted to the water, including electric resistance, gas, liquid or solid fuels, heat pumps, waste- heat recovery systems, solar energy, or any other means of heating drinking water. This Standard also applies to water heaters intended to deliver directly to sanitary fixtures used primarily for personal hygiene purposes such that the water temperature at the outlet from such fixtures is limited to no greater than 45 °C or 50 °C. This Standard does not include requirements affecting the durability of water heaters, except those applying to safety devices. It does not apply to steam generators, sterilizers, washing machines, wash boilers, urns, kettles, or hot-water supply systems intended solely for space heating, swimming pools, spa pools or industrial processes. NOTE  The installation of water heaters and hot-water supply systems is covered by the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) and AS/NZS 3500.4.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in AS/NZS 3500.0 and those below apply. 3.1 delivery temperature water temperature at the outlet from sanitary fixtures that are connected to the water heater and used primarily for personal hygiene purposes Note 1 to entry: See Figures A.1 to A.4. 3.2 heat exchanger system to transfer heat from a heat transfer fluid to the drinking water Note 1 to entry: This definition is not intended to apply to heat exchangers in water heaters where heating of stored or supplied water is via a combustion process. 3.3 inline booster water heater installed downstream of a solar preheater to boost the water temperature, where required, before the water is delivered into the heated water pipework 3.4 installer temperature adjustment means for the installer to adjust the offset between set temperature and the outlet temperature Note 1 to entry: The purpose of this adjustment is to allow an installer, during commissioning, to increase the outlet temperature to compensate for temperature losses in the pipework between the outlet of the appliance and sanitary fixtures. 3.5 set temperature selected value of water temperature delivered to sanitary fixtures Note 1 to entry: For an appliance with an indication of temperature setting, it is the indicated value otherwise it is the value nominated by the manufacturer. 3.6 supplementary temperature control device device supplied with a water heater that controls the temperature of heated water delivered at the outlet of the water heater or outlet of this device
4  Product conformity
For the purposes of this Standard, evidence of conformance to the hydrostatic-type tests specified in AS/NZS 60335.2.21, AS/NZS 60335.2.35, AS/NZS 60335.2.40, AS 1361, AS 4552 or AS/NZS 5263.1.2 as appropriate shall be deemed as evidence of conformance to Clause 6.2. For the purposes of this Standard, the following are deemed evidence of conformance to Clause 7.1 and Clauses 7.4 to 7.13 as applicable: (a) For electric water heaters, a certificate of approval or a certificate of suitability, as appropriate, issued by a certifying body recognized or accepted by the relevant electrical approval authorities. (b) For gas water heaters: (i) a certificate of approval issued by a certifying body recognized or accepted by the relevant regulatory authority as evidence of conformance to AS 4552 or AS/NZS 5263.1.2; or (ii) approval issued by the relevant regulatory authorities as evidence of conformance to regulatory requirements. (c) For all other water heaters and hot-water storage tanks, approval issued by the relevant regulatory authorities as evidence of conformance to regulatory requirements. NOTE  Depending on the type of water heater or hot water storage tank there may be other regulatory requirements (e.g. minimum energy performance).

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