
AS ISO 3452.1 pdf download

AS ISO 3452.1 pdf download

AS ISO 3452.1 pdf download.Non-destructive testing – Penetrant testing
1  Scope
This part of ISO 3452 specifies a method of penetrant testing used to detect discontinuities, e.g. cracks, laps, folds, porosity and lack of fusion, which are open to the surface of the material to be tested. It is mainly applied to metallic materials, but can also be performed on other materials, provided that they are inert to the test media and not excessively porous (castings, forgings, welds, ceramics, etc.) It also includes requirements for process and control testing, but is not intended to be used for acceptance criteria and gives neither information relating to the suitability of individual test systems for specific applications nor requirements for test equipment. NOTE 1  Methods for determining and monitoring the essential properties of penetrant testing products to be used are specified in ISO 3452-2 and ISO 3452-3. NOTE 2  The term discontinuity is used in this part of ISO 3452 in the sense that no evaluation concerning acceptability or non-acceptability is included.
4  Safety precautions
As penetrant inspection techniques often require the use of harmful, flammable and/or volatile materials, certain precautions shall be taken. Prolonged or repeated contact of these materials with the skin or any mucous membrane should be avoided. Working areas shall be adequately ventilated and sited away from sources of heat, sparks or naked flames in accordance with local regulations.The penetrant testing products and equipment shall be used with care and always in compliance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. When using filtered UV-A sources, care shall be taken to ensure that unfiltered radiation from the UV-A source does not directly reach the eyes of the operators. Whether it forms an integral part of the lamp or is a separate component, the UV-A filter shall always be maintained in good condition. In addition to the need to follow legislation (e.g. Directive 2006/25/EC), care shall be taken to ensure the safe implementation of the method.
5  General principles
5.1  Personnel Testing shall be carried out by proficient, suitably trained and qualified personnel and, where applicable, shall be supervised by competent personnel nominated by the employer or, by delegation of the employer, the inspection company in charge of testing. To demonstrate appropriate qualification it is recommended that personnel be certified according to ISO 9712 or an equivalent formalized system. Operating authorization for qualified persons shall be issued by the employer in accordance with a written procedure. Non-destructive testing (NDT) operations, unless otherwise agreed, shall be authorized by a competent and qualified NDT supervisory individual (Level 3 or equivalent) approved by the employer. 5.2  Description of the method Prior to penetrant testing the surface to be inspected shall be cleaned and dried. Suitable penetrants are then applied to the test area and enter into discontinuities open to the surface. After the appropriate penetration time has elapsed the excess penetrant is removed from the surface and the developer applied. The developer absorbs the penetrant that has entered and remains in the discontinuities and may give a clearly visible enhanced indication of the discontinuity. Should complementary NDT be required, the penetrant inspection shall be performed first, unless otherwise agreed upon between the contracting parties, so as not to introduce contaminants into open discontinuities. If penetrant inspection is used following another NDT technique, the surface shall be cleaned carefully to remove contaminants before application.
6  Products, sensitivity and designation
6.1  Product family Various test systems exist in penetrant testing. A product family is understood as a combination of the following penetrant testing materials: penetrant, excess penetrant remover (except method A) and developer. When tested in accordance with ISO 3452-2 the penetrant and excess penetrant remover shall be from a single manufacturer. Only approved product families shall be used. 6.2  Testing products The products used for testing are given in Table 1. 6.3  Sensitivity The sensitivity level of a product family shall be determined using reference block 1 in accordance with ISO 3452-3. The assessed level always refers to the method used for type testing of the approved product family.

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