
AS ISO 3452.5 pdf download

AS ISO 3452.5 pdf download

AS ISO 3452.5 pdf download.Non-destructive testing — Penetrant testing
5  Safety precautions
Equipment and testing products shall be handled, stored and used in a safe manner and always in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The viewing conditions required in this part of ISO 3452 are the same as those for the 10 °C up to 50 °C temperature range and the same safety precautions should be observed.In addition to the safety considerations associated with 10 °C up to 50 °C temperature range, due consideration shall be given to the risks associated with use at higher temperatures. Skin-burning, flammabilty and volatility are examples of potential hazards which vary with temperature. The work area shall always be adequately ventilated and personnel exposure levels should be carefully assessed. AIll relevant European, national and local regulations pertaining to health and safety, environmental requirements etc. shall be observed.
6 Personnel qualification
Personnel carrying out testing in accordance with this part of ISO 3452 shall be suitably certified (e.g. ISO 9712, EN 473). They shall also be knowledgeable of the special considerations for testing at higher temperatures (e.g. time limitations for inspection, special considerations of materials).
7 Classification of testing products
Testing products shall be classified by type, method and form as given in ISO 3452-2:2006, Table 1, but high temperature sensitivity shall be as described herein. Products also classified and qualified for 10 °C up to 50 °C temperature range may be designated with a suffix to show suitability for use at temperatures above 50。C, e.g. Type I, Method C, Form a, Level 2, Temperature M, (ICa-2/M). .
8 General
characteristics of the products The reference products as stated in 14.2 are penetrant materials used in the range 10 °C to 50。C for comparison purposes (see 14.3) and they shall conform with the requirements of ISO 3452-2. Thermal stability shall be stated by the manufacturer and the test shall be carried out at least at 20 °C above the maximum rated working temperature for the candidate testing material. Testing products shall be selected according to application with appropriate reference to the manufacturer’ s recommendations for process parameters.
9 Reference blocks
Temperature designation shall be performed with defined reference blocks [see e.g. Annex A of this part of ISO 3452 or ISO 3452-3, Type 1). Before use, reference blocks shall be cleaned using suitable means and tested for absence of indications with a suitable non-aqueous wet developer. Absence of indications confirms that the panel is suitable for use. The developer shall be removed and the panel shall not be touched by bare hands throughout the process (to avoid contamination]. Clean, white cotton, or other materials meant for temperature- rating gloves, may be used to assist with handling . Annex A comparators shall be used only once and in matched pairs. One of them shall be tested at the temperature given in Clause 12 and the other one shall be tested at ambient temperature using penetrant materials suitable for use at 10 °C to 50 °C, [see Clause 8]. NOTE High temperature process of Type 1 panels could lead to some residues being difficult to remove from the cracks. Specific care needs to be taken to maintain the usability of the panels.
14 Evaluation of results
14.1 General The results shall demonstrate similar, or better, performance than the reference products. Quantitative assessments, where used, shall show the candidate material giving a result of at least 90 % of the reference products. A detailed report shall be provided including results, test parameters, equipment used, procedures, etc. 14.2 Reference blocks type 1 The use of reference block Type 1 is a quantitative assessment. Using the 30 μum and 50 μum blocks, count the number of continuous indications that cover at least 80 % of the width and compare with the results of an initial calibration (between 10。C and 50 °C] using the same type of penetrant (Type I, sensitivity Level 1 or Type II, sensitivity Level 2). . 14.3. Annex A comparator The use of an Annex A comparator is a qualitative assessment. Using a matched pair of blocks compare the results of the block processed at high temperature with the other block which has been processed between 10。C and 50。C, using the same type of penetrant (Type I, sensitivity Level 1 or Type II, sensitivity Level 2)].

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