
AS NZS 1158.2 pdf download

AS NZS 1158.2 pdf download

AS NZS 1158.2 pdf download.Lighting for roads and public spaces
This Standard specifies the computer-based design procedures applicable to Category V and Category P lighting for the calculation of light technical parameters (LTPs), as required, for the design or evaluation of road lighting in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 1158.1.1 and AS/NZS 1158.3.1. It gives the basic formulae for the LTPs and the associated grid of points (i.e. the calculation field) over which the calculation is to be made. The source code of one computer program, designated SAA STAN, together with a shell program designated STANSHELL, is given for the calculation of the LTPs for Category V lighting on straight sections of road. This Standard also includes the general requirements for computer programs used to calculate LTPs for other road and public space elements in both Category V and Category P lighting, luminaire light distribution and road surface reflection input data and computer program test data. NOTES: 1 Refer to AS/NZS 1158.1.1 and AS/NZS 1158.3.1 for information on the types of road for which Category V and Category P lighting, respectively, are appropriate. 2 It is expected that persons using this Standard will have some expertise in lighting design and be familiar with the nature of computer-generated data. 3 The requirements regarding the use of the program SAA STAN are described in Section 4 and other relevant information is given in Appendices A, B and C.
2.1.1 Evaluation of performance
Conformance with AS/NZS 1158.1.1 is based on a lighting scheme achieving prescribed values of quantities known as LTPs (light technical parameters). These LTPs and the values required for conformance are given in AS/NZS 1158.1.1. The list of LTPs is reproduced in Table 2.1 below and defined in Clauses 2.1.2 to 2.1.6. The luminance and illuminance-based LTPs are each derived, directly or indirectly, from the luminance and illuminance distribution over a designated field of interest. This area is known as the calculation field, which is represented by a finite grid of calculation points. The relevant calculation fields are described in Section 3. Since the required conformance values are maintained values, those LTPs that are expressed in absolute terms, that is L and E Ph , shall be calculated using a maintenance factor.
In the SAA STAN program, the L veil luminance is calculated by summing the veiling luminance contribution row by row for each longitudinal luminaire row (up to 4 rows) from the following luminaires: In each row (beginning with the luminaire Row 1—the closest to the left side of the Observer’s carriageway and progressing row by row from left to right if more than one row), the first contributing luminaire is that intersecting the 20 ° inclined shielding plane above the horizontal through the Observer’s eye (this defines the Observer’s luminaire longitudinal setback position for the calculation). The additional veiling luminance contribution from each n th luminaire in that row in front of the Observer is further calculated and summed progressively for that row. For each row, summation is ended and the n th veiling luminance contribution is not included in the sum if the horizontal distance of n th luminaire from the Observer’s eye is greater than 500 m. For each row, summation is also ended with the contribution included if the n th veiling luminance contribution of the luminaire was less than 2% of the current veiling luminance sum for that row. The total veiling luminance summed from all rows is the value of L veil used in the calculation of TI. If a staggered arrangement is being evaluated then two veiling luminance summation calculations are made: 1. The veiling luminance summation for all rows of luminaires is calculated first with the longitudinal Observer position setback from the first luminaire in Row 1 (the primary staggered row). 2 The veiling luminance summation is calculated again for all rows of luminaires with the longitudinal Observer position setback from the first luminaire in Row 2 (the primary non-staggered row). The greater of these two veiling luminance summations is the value of L veil used in the calculation of TI.

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