
AS NZS 1335 pdf download

AS NZS 1335 pdf download

AS NZS 1335 pdf download.Gas welding equipment — Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes
1  Scope
This document specifies requirements for rubber hoses (including twin hoses) for welding, cutting and allied processes. This document specifies requirements for rubber hoses for normal duty of 2 MPa (20 bar) and light duty [limited to hoses for maximum working pressure of 1 MPa (10 bar) and with bore up to and including 6,3 mm]. This document applies to hoses operated at temperatures −20 °C to +60 °C and used in: — gas welding and cutting; — arc welding under the protection of an inert or active gas; — processes allied to welding and cutting, in particular, heating, brazing, and metallization. This document does not specify requirements for hose assemblies; these are detailed in ISO 8207. This document applies neither to thermoplastics hoses nor to hoses used for high pressure [>0,15 MPa (>1,5 bar)] acetylene.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8330 and ISO 15296 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/ 3.1 twin hose two normal rubber hoses joined together longitudinally 3.2 universal fuel gas hose hose which can be used for all fuel gases except fluxed fuel gas Note 1 to entry: Fuel gases are listed in Table 5. 3.3 flux fuel gas hose hose suitable for fuel gas containing a flux 3.4 maximum working pressure maximum pressure to which the equipment may be subjected in service
7  Materials
7.1  Construction 7.1.1  Light and normal duty hoses The hose shall consist of: a) a rubber lining of minimum thickness 1,3 mm for hoses with total wall thickness of 3,0 mm or less and 1,5 mm for hoses with total wall thickness greater than 3,0 mm; b) reinforcement applied by any suitable technique; c) a rubber cover of a minimum thickness of 1,0 mm. 7.1.2  Flux fuel gas hose The flux fuel gas hose shall consist of the following: a) a rubber lining with an additional inner plastic layer, which shall be of maximum thickness 0,5 mm, to give a minimum total thickness of a rubber lining of 1,3 mm for hoses with total wall thickness of 3,0 mm or less and 1,5 mm for hoses with total wall thickness greater than 3,0 mm; b) reinforcement applied by any suitable technique; c) a rubber cover of minimum thickness 1,0 mm. 7.1.3  Twin hose Each hose used for twin hose construction shall be as specified in 7.1.1 or 7.1.2. The two hoses shall be joined longitudinally during the extrusion and/or vulcanization process. They shall be capable of being separated free of damage to enable end fittings to be fitted (see 9.3.7). 7.2  Manufacture The lining and cover shall be of uniform thickness and free from holes, porosity and other defects.
9  Requirements and type tests
9.1  General A summary of requirements and type tests with the corresponding number of samples is given in Annex D. 9.2  Basic requirements 9.2.1  Tensile strength and elongation at break Measurements shall be made on test pieces cut from the hoses. The materials used in the lining and cover, when tested in accordance with ISO 37, shall have a tensile strength and elongation at break not less than the values given in Table  Flexibility at ambient temperature When tested in accordance with ISO 10619-1 at standard laboratory temperature as defined in ISO 23529 using a diameter of curvature, D c , of 10 D i , where D i is the inside diameter (with a minimum of 80 mm), the coefficient of deformation, K, shall not be less than 0,8. There shall be no kink in the curved portion of the hose. 9.2.6  Low-temperature flexibility When tested in accordance with ISO 10619-2, method B, at (−25 ± 3) °C, using a D c of 10 D i (with a minimum of 80 mm), the hose shall show no signs of leakage when subjected to the proof pressure (carried out at ambient temperature) stated in Table 4. 9.2.7  Protection against incandescent particles and hot surfaces The cover of the hose shall have sufficient protection against contact with incandescent particles and hot surfaces. To meet this requirement, the test piece shall resist for 60 s the test conditions given in Annex C without leaking, i.e. no loss in pressure. If the first test fails, the two subsequent tests shall meet the requirements to pass the test.

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