
AS NZS 4024.3703 pdf download

AS NZS 4024.3703 pdf download

AS NZS 4024.3703 pdf download.Safety of machinery
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for safe use of vertical baling presses for compacting waste material or recyclable fractions (e. g. paper, plastics, textiles, cans, cardboard, mixed waste), hereafter referred to as materials. This standard covers vertical baling presses: — that are manually or mechanically fed; and — with fixed enclosed baling chambers (single or multiple chamber presses); and — with a mechanically, hydraulically or pneumatically operated compacting equipment; and — where the compacted bale is tied manually in the baling chamber; and — with manual unloading or mechanical ejection of the compacted bale. The scope of this standard includes any mechanical feed equipment, such as belt type conveyors or bin lifts, forming an integral part of the baling press assembly. It also includes integral material flow control equipment. This standard does not apply to: — vertical baling presses without fixed enclosed baling chamber(s); or — round balers or roll baling machines; or — machines where the material is compacted into a bag; or — pneumatic conveying systems; or — equipment for transporting the bales; or — local exhaust ventilation for the removal of dusts or vapours; or — hazards arising from any integral pre-conditioning equipment; or — hazards arising from the materials being processed (e.g. asbestos, clinical waste, flammable or explosive materials, unhealthy or poisonous waste). This standard does not apply to cranes, lift trucks or other mobile plant used to load materials into the feed opening. Nor does it apply to hazards arising from loading materials into the feed opening using cranes, lift trucks or other mobile plant. This standard does not include specifications to meet the requirements of the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC. All hazards mentioned in Clause 4 are dealt with in this European Standard.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100:2010 and the following apply.3.1 vertical baling press machine intended for compacting loose materials into a bale where the compacting pressure is applied vertically and downward from the feed opening and the bale is subsequently tied by strings, straps or wires Note 1 to entry: A vertical baling press may consist of one or more baling chambers, a control system and control station, a compacting equipment, equipment for manually binding the bale and equipment for ejection of the bale.3.1.1 vertical baling press with fixed position compacting head vertical baling press that is fed at the front, side or rear of the machine, by hand or mechanical means and the compacting head is in a fixed position Note 1 to entry: On a multiple chamber vertical baling press there will be more than one compacting head and each head is in a fixed position. 3.1.2 vertical baling press with movable position compacting head a single or multiple chamber baling press that is fed usually from the top or sometimes from the front, side or rear of the baling press by hand or mechanical means and the compacting head position can be moved Note 1 to entry: Whether it is a single or multiple chamber machine there will usually be a single compacting head that can be moved mechanically or by hand across the chamber(s) to allow loading. Once loaded, the head is then moved back over the chamber and the compression plate moves vertically to compact materials. 3.2 integral mechanical feed equipment equipment used for feeding materials into the baling chamber through the feed opening i.e. conveyors or bin lifts where: — the equipment is mounted/fixed to the vertical baling press; — its power supply and control system are linked into the vertical baling press systems 3.3 conveyor conveyor onto which materials are deposited and transported to the feed opening 3.4 bin (sometimes called skip) container, usually fitted with wheels, in which materials may be collected ready for feeding into the baling press 3.5 bin lift (sometimes called skip hoist) mechanical device for lifting a bin containing materials and tipping the contents into the baling chamber through the feed opening 3.6 manual feeding loading materials into the baling chamber by hand 3.7 feed area area where the operator loads the materials into the baling chamber for compaction 3.8 feed opening opening through which the materials are loaded into the baling chamber

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