
AS NZS 3820 pdf download

AS NZS 3820 pdf download

AS NZS 3820 pdf download.Essential safety requirements for electrical equipment
This standard applies to electrical equipment – designed for use with a supply voltage; or – that has an output voltage; not exceeding 1 000 Volts for alternating current and 1 500 Volts for direct current and intended for the purposes of generation, conversion, transmission, distribution, storage or utilisation of electricity. This Standard sets out requirements for electrical equipment, to ensure that electrical equipment is constructed in accordance with good engineering practice in regard to safety such that it does not endanger the safety of persons (including children, the elderly and people with disabilities), domestic animals or property, when properly installed and maintained and used in applications for which it was made. Medical electrical equipment and electrical equipment used in hazardous areas are subject to essential safety requirements in addition to those included in this standard.
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 3.1 electrical equipment apparatus that generates, stores, insulates, uses, conveys or controls electricity or forms part of an electrical installation Note: Examples of apparatus are batteries, electric toys, switch gear, control gear, accessories, appliances, information technology devices, tools, luminaires, wires, cables, fittings, and conduit. 3.2 direct contact contact of persons or animals with a conductor that in normal circumstances is live. 3.3 electric toy product designed or clearly intended for use in play by children under 1 4 years old and having at least one function dependent on electricity.3.4 indirect contact contact of persons or animals with a conductive part that is not normally live, but has become live due to fault conditions, insulation failure or other accidental circumstances. 3.5 relevant standard standard or standards (if any) for a type of electrical equipment is— For Australia (a) if there is a Standards Australia or joint Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand standard that applies specifically to the type—that standard; or (b) if there is not a Standards Australia or joint Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand standard that applies specifically to the type and there is an IEC standard that applies specifically to the type—the IEC standard. For New Zealand If there is a joint Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand standard or a standard listed in the schedules to the Electricity (Safety) Regulations or an IEC standard that applies specifically to the type—that standard. If there are New Zealand only variations to any of these standards, then these must be satisfied. 3.6 supplier person or entity who takes responsibility for supplying electrical equipment in trade or commerce in Australia and/or New Zealand.
4.1 General conditions Electrical equipment shall comply with the following criteria: (a) The essential characteristics, the recognition and observance of which will enable electrical equipment to be used safely and in applications for which it was made, shall be marked in English on the electrical equipment, or, if this is not possible, on an accompanying notice. Such characteristics shall include the rated voltage and frequency. NOTE 1 The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the user of the electrical equipment has all necessary safety information. The expression ‘used safely’ would include assembly, installation and maintenance of the electrical equipment. Information may be marked on the electrical equipment (important for any safety warnings), provided on the packaging (for example, where the danger relates to not following assembly instructions), or in user information provided with the electrical equipment (for example, assembly, maintenance and operation instructions). (b) A means of identifying the supplier shall be clearly marked on the electrical equipment or, where that is not practicable, on the packaging or user information accompanying the electrical equipment. NOTE 2 The means of identifying the supplier should be such that an interested person can identify and contact the supplier, either directly from the information provided, or indirectly via information that is publicly available. Such means of identification may include— (i) Business name and business address (other than a post office box number) in each country of sale (Australia and/or New Zealand); (ii) Registered business name (Australia and/or New Zealand); (iii) Australian Company Number (ACN), for products sold only in Australia; (iv) Australian Business Number (ABN), for products sold only in Australia; (v) New Zealand Company Number, for products sold only in New Zealand; and (vi) Trademark registered in each country of sale (Australia and/or New Zealand);

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