
AS NZS 3545 pdf download

AS NZS 3545 pdf download

AS NZS 3545 pdf download.Welding and allied processes — Welding positions
1  Scope
This document defines welding positions for testing and production, for butt and fillet welds, in all product forms. Annex A gives examples of the limits of the slope of a weld axis and the rotation of the weld face about the weld axis for welding positions in production welds. Annex B gives a comparison of this document and US designation systems for welding positions.
2  Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/ 3.1 welding position position of a weld defined relative to the slope of the axis and rotation of the face of the weld relative to the horizontal plane 3.2 main welding position welding position (3.1) designated PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PJ or PK Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1 and Figure 2 for welding position designations. 3.3 special test position SP any welding position (3.1) that is not covered by one of the main welding positions (3.2) (see 4.3) 3.4 slope S <welding positions> angle of the axis of the weld relative to the main welding position (3.2) 3.5 rotation R <welding positions> angle of the face of the weld relative to the main welding position (3.2) 3.6 inclined angle L <welding positions> angle of the axis of the pipe
4  Welding positions
4.1  Main welding positions The main welding positions PA to PG are illustrated in Figure 1.4.2  Welding positions and allowable deviations for testing Welding positions used during welding of a test piece shall not exceed ±5° in slope and ±10° in rotation from the main welding position. 4.3  Welding positions and ranges in production The main welding positions are referenced in other standards, e.g. the ISO 9606 series for qualification of welders, and the ISO 15614 series for qualification of welding procedures. For production welding, the allowable deviations from the main positions used for qualification of welders and welding procedures are given in Table 1 for butt welds and in Table 2 for fillet welds (see also examples in Annex A). Application standards may extend or restrict the ranges qualified, e.g. an application standard could limit PA to 15° of face rotation rather than 30°. NOTE  For asymmetric tolerances, “plus” means revolving the weld surface towards the main welding position PA and “minus” means revolving the weld surface towards the main welding position PE. When a test piece is welded using a position outside of the limits (see 3.3) of the main welding positions, the slope and rotation shall be recorded in accordance with Clause 5. The allowable range in production shall be ±15° in slope and in rotation.
5  Designation
Main welding positions shall be designated by the appropriate symbol in accordance with Figure 1 and Figure 2 (see EXAMPLE 1). The symbol for the main welding position may be supplemented by the values for slope and rotation, given in three digits (see EXAMPLE 2). When a test piece is welded in a position outside of the limits of the main welding positions, the allowable range in production is ±15° in slope and in rotation. These supplementary values are mandatory when the test piece used for qualification was outside of the slope and rotation limits specified in 4.2. For circumferential welds in pipes with inclined axes, the indication of slope and rotation shall be simplified in accordance with Figure 2 (see EXAMPLES 3 and 4).

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