
AS NZS 4782.1 pdf download

AS NZS 4782.1 pdf download

AS NZS 4782.1 pdf download.Double-capped fuorescent lamps — Performance specifications
1 General
1 .1 Scope This International Standard specifies the performance requirements for double-capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting service. The requirements of this standard relate only to type testing. Conditions of compliance, including methods of statistical assessment, are under consideration. The following lamp types and modes of operation are included: a) lamps having preheated cathodes, designed for operation on a.c. mains frequencies with the use of a starter, and additionally operating on high frequency; b) lamps having preheated high-resistance cathodes, designed for operation on a.c. mains frequencies without the use of a starter (starterless), and additionally operating on high frequency; c) lamps having preheated low-resistance cathodes, designed for operation on a.c. mains frequencies without the use of a starter (starterless), and additionally operating on high frequency; d) lamps having preheated cathodes, designed for operation on high frequency; e) lamps having non-preheated cathodes, designed for operation on a.c. mains frequencies; f) lamps having non-preheated cathodes, designed for operation on high frequency. 1 .2 Statement It may be expected that lamps which comply with this standard will start and operate satisfactorily at voltages between 92 % and 1 06 % of rated supply voltage and at an ambient air temperature of between 1 0 °C and 50 °C, when operated with a ballast complying with IEC 60921 or IEC 60929, where relevant with a starter complying with IEC 601 55 or IEC 60927, and in a luminaire complying with IEC 60598.
1 .4 Definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard, the definitions of IEC 60050(845) and the following definitions apply. 1 .4.1 fluorescent lamp discharge lamp of the low-pressure mercury type, in which most of the light is emitted by one or several layers of phosphors excited by the ultra-violet radiation from the discharge [IEV 845-07-26, modified] 1 .4.2 double-capped fluorescent lamp fluorescent lamp having two separate caps and mostly of tubular form and linear shape 1 .4.3 nominal value approximate quantity value used to designate or identify a lamp 1 .4.4 rated value quantity value for a characteristic of a lamp for specified operating conditions. The value and the conditions are specified in this standard, or assigned by the manufacturer or responsible vendor 1 .4.5 lumen maintenance ratio of the luminous flux of a lamp at a given time in its life to its initial luminous flux, the lamp being operated under specific conditions. The ratio is generally expressed as a percentage 1 .4.6 initial readings starting characteristics of a lamp, measured before ageing, and the electrical, photometric and cathode characteristics of a lamp, measured at the end of the 1 00 h ageing period 1 .4.7 starting aid conductive strip affixed to the outer surface of a lamp, or a conductive plate which is spaced within an appropriate distance from the lamp. A starting aid is usually connected to earth potential, and can only be effective when it has an adequate potential difference from one end of the lamp 1 .4.8 reference ballast special ballast, either inductive for lamps for operation on a.c. mains frequencies, or resistive for lamps for operation on high frequency. It is designed for the purpose of providing comparison standards for use in testing ballasts, for the selection of reference lamps and for testing regular production lamps under standardized conditions. It is essentially characterized by the fact that, at its rated frequency, it has a stable voltage/current ratio which is relatively uninfluenced by variations in current, temperature and magnetic surroundings, as outlined in the relevant ballast standard [IEC 845-08-36, modified] 1 .4.9 calibration current of a reference ballast value of the current on which the calibration and control of the reference ballast are based 1 .4.1 0 type test test or a series of tests made on a type test sample for the purpose of checking compliance of the design of a given product with the requirements of the relevant standard 1 .4.1 1 type test sample sample consisting of one or more similar units submitted by the manufacturer or responsible vendor for the purpose of a type test

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