
AS NZS IEC 62676.2.2 pdf download

AS NZS IEC 62676.2.2 pdf download

AS NZS IEC 62676.2.2 pdf download.Video surveillance systems for use in security applications
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62676 specifies a compliant IP video protocol based on HTTP and REST services. Video transmission devices are often equipped with web servers that respond to HTTP requests. The HTTP response may contain XML content (for GET actions), XML response information (for SET actions), or various text/binary content (for retrieval of configuration data, etc.). REST is an approach to creating services that expose all information as resources in a uniform way. The ease of using REST is its uniform interface for operations. Since everything is represented as a resource, create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) operations use the same URI. This specification leverages the features of HTTP and REST for IP video transmission. A video transmission device supporting compliance to the requirements of this standard based on HTTP and REST Services as described in this document is declared as compatible to ´IEC 62676-2 HTTP and REST interoperability.´
4 Overview
Security and/or network management applications require the ability to change configurations and control the behaviours of IP video devices – cameras, encoders, decoders, recorders, etc. This functionality can be achieved by sending a standard HTTP(S) request to the unit. The basic principle of this IP Interoperability is to specify and define HTTP(S) application programming interfaces (APIs) for VT devices and their functionality; namely, for setting/retrieving various configurations, and controlling device behaviours. The REST Service Model Version 1 .1 is intended to assist the IEC working groups in creating new protocols or converting contributed protocols to a standard service model that will be common to all endorsed specifications. Adherence to this service model will ensure interoperability between compliant protocols. This model is similar in nature to Web services but is geared towards lightweight computing requirements on devices. As such, these protocols will not use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) as defined by the W3C-defined Web services but instead will use a simplified XML schema and/or xml schema documents (.xsd’s). Unless otherwise noted, all specifications of this clause should treat all configuration and management aspects as resources utilizing the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) architecture. The Service Model is based on a REST architecture. While REST specifies that all interfaces are defined as resources, in the Model of this standard these resources are grouped by service. This architecture provides a convenient way to group related resources within a hierarchical namespace and lends itself to service discovery and future expansion. Anybody is welcome to add services at any time provided said services adhere to the service model as defined herein. Every effort should be taken to maintain full backward compatibility when adding new services. The Service Model is designed to support expansion with backwards compatibility.
5 Design considerations
5.1 General Network-attached devices are often equipped with a web server to maintain various web pages. These pages allow the devices to be configured through an internet browser. It is natural to reuse this web server and the HTTP protocol in order for external applications to configure and control the device. Thus, all resources will use a standard HTTP request which will be processed by the device’s web server. When possible, IP devices should implement HTTPS to support privacy of data. It is assumed that the network infrastructure is configured properly with firewall, 802.1 x, etc. and other features to provide basic network level security. Additionally, because IP devices are typically endpoint devices, HTTPS is assumed to provide sufficient safeguard in combination with the other features mentioned above. Some devices are not capable of implementing HTTPS and in certain deployments it may not be necessary (i.e. closed networks). Additionally, SSL/TLS implies certificate management on an endpoint which could pose other problems. Embedded devices may not have a “trusted” certificate without a client explicitly trusting the certificate or uploading a trusted certificate. Furthermore, certificates may need to be regenerated upon configuration changes (IP address, etc.).

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