
AS NZS 62676.1.1 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.1.1 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.1.1 pdf download.Video surveillance systems for use in security applications
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62676 specifies the minimum requirements and gives recommendations for Video Surveillance Systems (VSS), so far called CCTV, installed for security applications. This Standard specifies the minimum performance requirements and functional requirements to be agreed on between customer, law-enforcement where applicable and supplier in the operational requirement, but does not include requirements for design, planning, installation, testing, operation or maintenance. This standard excludes installation of remotely monitored detector activated VSSs. This IEC Standard also applies to VSS sharing means of detection, triggering, interconnection, control, communication and power supplies with other applications. The operation of a VSS is not be adversely influenced by other applications. Requirements are specified for VSS components where the relevant environment is classified. This classification describes the environment in which the VSS component may be expected to operate as designed. When the requirements of the four environmental classes are inadequate, due to the extreme conditions experienced in certain geographic locations, special national conditions may be applied (see Annex A).
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1.1 access level level of access to particular functions of the VSS, defining the user rights of an operator, to control and configure the system as well as the access to data on the VSS 3.1.2 acknowledge action of a user to accept a message or an indication 3.1.3 action deliberate operation or act by the user which is part of alarm procedure 3.1.4 Advanced Streaming Format proprietary digital audio/digital video container format, especially meant for streaming media 3.1.5 alarm warning of the presence of any hazard to life, property or the environment 3.1.6 alarm condition condition of an alarm system, or part thereof, which results from the response of the system to the presence of a hazard 3.1.7 alarm message message from the system to an operator, to describe time, type and location of an alarm 3.1.8 alarm procedure indications and manual or automatic controls as response to an alarm condition 3.1.9 alarm receiving centre continuously manned centre to which information concerning the status of one or more alarm systems is reported 3.1.10 alert warning addressed to persons for their information or to request intervention (e.g. by police, service personnel) in response to an alarm, tamper or fault EXAMPLE: Visual-alert, acoustic/ audible-alert, external-alert. Note 1 to entry: Sometimes the term “alarm warning” is used instead. 3.1.11 alternative device VSS component of the same type as the primary device 3.1.12 archive data stored on a long term permanent or partially permanent storage EXAMPLE: CD’s or digital tapes are considered to be ‘archived’. 3.1.13 area of interest region in the scene monitored by an image capturing device 3.1.14 audio video interleave format proprietary multimedia format containing audio and video data in a standard container that allows synchronous audio-with-video playback 3.1.15 authentication method to verify whether an image has been altered 3.1.16 authorisation permission to gain access to specified functions or components of a VSS 3.1.17 authorisation codes physical or logical keys which permit access to VSS functions 3.1.18 automatic number plate recognition optical character recognition on images to read and extract the alphanumerics of the licence plate of vehicles 3.1.19 automatic teller machine device that provides a method of financial transactions in public space without the need for a human clerk 3.1.20 auxiliary equipment video system used not as primary mitigation of the risk 3.1.21 backup image an accurate and complete replica of the primary image, irrespective of media 3.1.22 throughput (relating to interconnection) data transfer rate or amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another in a given time period Note 1 to entry: Throughput is quoted in bits per s. 3.1.23 capacity (relating to recording) the total amount of stored information that a storage media or medium can hold. Note 1 to entry: It is expressed as a quantity of bits or bytes. 3.1.24 VSS system consisting of camera equipment, storage, monitoring and associated equipment for transmission and controlling purposes Note 1 to entry: CCTV systems are included in the more general term ´VSS´. 3.1.25 channel single path for conveying digital or analogue data, distinguished from other parallel paths EXAMPLE: Video input or output channel.

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