
AS NZS 62676.2.1 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.2.1 pdf download

AS NZS 62676.2.1 pdf download.Video surveillance systems for use in security applications
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62676 introduces an IP network interface for devices in surveillance applications. This International Standard specifies a network protocol for the full interoperability of video devices. On top of the basic layers protocols are defined to accomplish the full interoperability of video devices. In surveillance applications IP video devices have to use standardized protocols to accomplish following functionality: video streaming, stream control, event handling, discovery, capability description, device management, PTZ control, auxiliaries and other functions. Some areas of this transmission standard are covered by more than one approach, e.g. ZeroConf and WS-Discovery. The network protocols recommended and defined by this video transmission standard are selected with a sense for future relevance and further extensions. Video transmission equipment may be combined with additional functions, e.g. for audio or metadata transmission.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1.1 analog a form of information that is represented by a continuous and smoothly varying amplitude or frequency changes over a certain range 3.1.2 analog video video signal made of a continuous electrical signal 3.1.3 application program interface a set of interfaces for developers to interact with a component or application 3.1.4 bandwidth property of networks to describe the amount of data that can be carried from one point in the network to another in a given time period, usually a second, affected in video surveillance by frame rate, image resolution, compression ratio, image noise, complexity detail of a monitored scene 3.1.5 capability a named piece of functionality (or feature) that is declared as supported or requested by an agent 3.1.6 capturing process of transferring video from one source to another for use on a digital video device, network or storage, e.g. conversion of analog to digital 3.1.7 channel one or more streams of video, audio and/or metadata that together constitute a unique entity for the purpose of surveillance 3.1.8 client a software application or other entity that uses the services offered by a Video Transmission Device (VTD) 3.1.9 codec abbreviation of compression/decompression algorithm, used to encode and decode, or compress and decompress data, such as video 3.1.10 component a software or hardware object, meant to interact with other components, encapsulating certain functionality or a set of functionalities with clearly defined interfaces and conforming to a prescribed behavior common to all components within a standard 3.1.11 device description formal definition of a network device, expressed in XML syntax, specified by a vendor 3.1.12 digital information coded in discrete, separate pulses or signal levels 3.1.13 digital video recorder DVR network video device recording multiple analog video channels onto a hard disk in digital format, which allows viewing, replay and management remotely via a VT client 3.1.14 discovery act of locating a network device or machine-processable description of a service-related resource that may have been previously unknown and that meets certain functional criteria 3.1.15 DNS domain name system protocol that enables hierarchical naming system in a network for identification and resolving symbolic names such as domain or computer names for example translate http://Videoserver1 or www.upnp.org into IP addresses 3.1.16 DTD document type definition document defining the format of the contents presented between the tags in an XML document, and the way they should be interpreted by the application reading the XML document 3.1.17 dynamic host configuration protocol DHCP protocol to automatically provide IP addresses and other network configuration information to network nodes 3.1.18 event notification of one or more changes in state variables sent by a network device 3.1.19 eventing the exchange of specially-formatted messages describing events of a event server e.g network device

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