
AS 3856.2 pdf download

AS 3856.2 pdf download

AS 3856.2 pdf download.Hoists and ramps for people with disabilities — Vehicle fitted
3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 appliance hoist or ramp 3.2 bridge plate cover over the gap between the threshold of the vehicle entry and the edge of the boarding platform Note 1 to entry: The bridge plate may also be used as an inner roll stop. 3.3 deploy move the appliance from a stored position on the vehicle to an operating position 3.4 platform load-bearing surface which is constructed in the one plane 3.5 ramp inclined platform which is either permanently or temporarily attached to the vehicle Note 1 to entry: The word may mean one ramp or more than one ramp used together. 3.6 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 3.7 should indicates a recommendation 3.8 store move an appliance from an operating position to a stored position on or in the vehicle
4  General
The fitting of an appliance and any modifications of a vehicle shall conform to manufacturer’s installation requirements. NOTE 1  In Australia, where applicable, Australian Design Rules and Vehicle Standard Bulletins specify requirements for the fitting of an appliance and any modifications to a vehicle. NOTE 2  The location of the appliance in or on the vehicle should be such that the appliance or any modification to the vehicle do not cause an imbalance of the vehicle that will adversely affect vehicle handling. NOTE 3  The appliance should be installed on the near side of the vehicle or at the rear of the vehicle. NOTE 4  For safety reasons the preferred location is the nearside of a vehicle. If a rear door is used, vehicle ingress and egress should occur at off-street locations.
11  Electrical systems
11.1  General All electrical systems installed and/or modified shall — (a) not exceed 50 mA total current draw when the vehicle is dormant (i.e. parked, locked and at rest allowing the necessary time to elapse for all systems to power down); (b) be sealed to prevent water and fumes entering the passenger compartment; and (c) independently connect additional earth connections to the chassis of the vehicle or battery negative terminal. NOTE  ADR 42/04 Section 9 and UN R10 specify further requirements for electrical systems. Safety of electrical systems shall be tested in accordance with Appendix D. 11.2  Wiring All wiring installed and/or modified shall — (a) have a rating that meets the specifications of the equipment manufacturer; (b) be colour coded; (c) be used with grommets or feed-through-style connectors where the wiring passes through metal panels (e.g. firewalls, door jams and floors); and (d) be protected from being caught or damaged. 11.3  Switches All switches installed shall — (a) be suitably rated for the load; and (b) be labelled for function and direction. NOTE  Switches should be illuminated if operated during driving. 11.4  Connectors All connectors shall be from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or an equivalent specification suitable for the environment and application. Insulation displacement connectors shall not be used. 11.5  Fuses All fuses and relays shall be accessible to service personnel and identified in the operator information.
13  Securement of ramps
13.1  Attachment to the vehicle Ramps shall be attached to the vehicle in such a manner that they cannot be displaced during use in accordance with Appendix C. 13.2  Storage in the vehicle Detachable ramp(s) when not in use shall be securely stored in the vehicle. Ramps shall be stored in a manner that will prevent a loading of 20 times the weight of the ramp, applied in any horizontal direction, from tearing it free. NOTE  The fitter should seek the advice of the State or Territory vehicle registration authority with regard to the fitting of anchorages.

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