
AS 4485.1 pdf download

AS 4485.1 pdf download

AS 4485.1 pdf download.Security for healthcare facilities
1.1 Scope
This Standard sets out the minimum requirements for healthcare facilities in developing policy, principles and procedures for the protection of一 patients, workers and others required to attend such facilities; (b) drugs and other controlled substances; [c) information; and [d) property owned or controlled by the facility, and the property of patients, workers and others at the facility. Together, AS 4485.1 and AS 4485.2 provide requirements and guidance for the development and implementation of policy, principles and procedures for all public and private hospitals, facilities in remote locations, primary care facilities, community and residential aged-care facilities, and other locations where healthcare is delivered.
1.2 Application
This Standard is primarily for use by people who have direct responsibility for developing and managing security arrangements at a healthcare facility. It is designed to be used as a framework for developing security policy, systems and practices unique to individual facilities. Security controls should not be applied indiscriminately. They should harmonize with other operational requirements of the facility and, in some cases, be tailored to specific areas within the facility. Security procedures shall not impinge on the quality or effectiveness of patient care services.
1.4 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1.4.1 healthcare facility hospital, residential aged-care facility or other facility where healthcare (including related core services) is delivered to patients 1.4.2 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.3 patient person receiving healthcare Note 1 to entry: Patients include in-patients, out-patients, day patients, and outreach service patients. 1.4.4 property anything belonging to a person or an entity, including buildings and other physical structures, personal possessions, and commercial assets 1.4.5 protective security measures employed to address security issues 1.4.6 . protective status status assigned to patients unable to care for or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation 1.4.7 risk effect of uncertainty on objectives Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected. It can be positive, negative or both, and can address, create or result in opportunities and threats. Note 2 to entry: Objectives can have different aspects and categories, and can be applied at different levels. Note 3 to entry: Risk is usually expressed in terms risk sources, potential events, their consequences and their likelihood. [SOURCE: ISO 31000:2018(en), 3.1] 1.4.8 secure areas spaces requiring special security precautions, equipment or structural reinforcement, monitoring or observation 1.4.9 security risk factor or event, or combination of factors or events, which may impact on the security and welfare of patients, workers and others, and property (including information) for which the facility has a duty of care 1.4.10 security risk assessment methodical process of identifying, analysing and evaluating security risks and of determining appropriate controls Note 1 to entry: Refer to AS/NZS ISO 45001 and AS ISO 31000 for further information. 1.4.11 sensitive information private or confidential data relating to personal or commercial interests of healthcare facilities 1.4.12 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.4.13 should indicates a recommendation 1.4.14 threat risk occurrence that would have a negative impact [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018(en), 3.83] 1.4.15 work health and safety DEPRECATED: occupational health and safety assessment and mitigation of risks impacting the health, safety or welfare of workers and others in the facility Note 1 to entry: Refer to relevant federal, state and territory legislation to determine any legal requirements. [SOURCE: O Commonwealth of Australia 2019]
2.1 General
The aim of a healthcare facility’s security function is to ensure that a vigorous security policy and plan is implemented throughout the facility. Where appropriate, security policies and procedures should be developed to address the specific needs of individual areas within the facility. 2.2 Security framework 2.2.1 Development Each healthcare facility shall develop a security framework, including policy, procedures and protocols, to effectively address security risks. Each facility shall establish governance strategies and systems that identify the responsibilities and accountabilities of all personnel concerned within the security framework. The individual roles and responsibilities of those involved in the maintenance of safe conditions should be documented in position descriptions. 2.2.2 Management Facilities shall designate appropriate personnel to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the security function. Ideally, such a person should have expertise and qualifications in, and understanding of, the application of security principles. This is particularly important for large healthcare facilities, such as major hospitals, where a coordinated approach to security throughout the facility is highly desirable. . 2.2.3 Employees Facilities shall assign specific responsibilities to personnel for the application of security arrangements within their areas of operation and/or authority in accordance with the facility’s security policy and procedures. This will include a specific duty of care for themselves, other workers and other persons, such as patients, for whom they are responsible.

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