
AS 7240.13 pdf download

AS 7240.13 pdf download

AS 7240.13 pdf download.Fire detection and alarm systems
1  Scope
This document specifies the requirements for compatibility and connectability assessment of the components of fire detection and alarm systems, fire protection systems and voice alarm systems. This document only includes system requirements when these are necessary for compatibility assessment. This document also specifies requirements for the integrity of the fire detection and fire alarm system when connected to other systems. This document does not specify the manner in which the system is designed, installed and used in any particular application. This document does not cover components or functions which are not included in the fire detection and alarm systems (FDAS), such as functions performed by a building management system. Methods of assessment are specified to permit an acceptable degree of confidence within predetermined operational and environmental conditions to be achieved. The requirements for the transmission path used for a distributed function are covered by a relevant ISO standard and not by this document. This document is applicable to systems where the components are connected to control-and-indicating equipment (CIE) and where the components are interconnected by electrical wires or optical fibre or by radio frequency links or by any combination of these. ISO 7240-25 provides additional information and requirements about systems using radio frequency links. NOTE  Other International Standards are expected to cover the requirements of other systems to which the fire detection and fire alarm system is connected.
4.2  General system requirements
4.2.1 The applicant shall provide a list of the FDAS devices and those devices not covered by the ISO 7240 series shall be declared as component type 1 or component type 2. 4.2.2 The different FDAS configurations intended to be used shall be described within the applicant’s documentation. 4.2.3 Each of the configurations declared by the applicant shall be considered and representative configurations shall be assessed to meet the requirements of this document. 4.2.4 Each component type 1 shall be powered directly or indirectly by a PSE which conforms to the requirements in ISO 7240-4, except for some radio link components in accordance with ISO 7240-25 which may be powered by batteries. 4.2.5 Each component type 1 shall meet the requirements of the relevant part of the ISO 7240 series or the ISO 6182 series. Where the component type 1 is not covered by a relevant part of ISO 7240 series or the ISO 6182 series, it shall meet the following criteria: a) conformity of the functionality (indication, control, activation) as declared by the component manufacturer: this functionality shall be consistent with the purpose of a FDAS. The applicant shall provide the means to check the functionality; b) conformance to IEC 62599-2; c) conformance to IEC 62599-1; the applicant shall declare the environmental class. The measurements or inspections are made before, during (if necessary) and after testing. There shall be no change in the functioning of the equipment and no significant change in any measurements, which shall also remain within specification. Alternatively, the component may comply with the environmental clauses included in the relevant part of the ISO 7240 series (refer to ISO 7240-1 to classify the components and select the appropriate part). NOTE  It is possible for a component to be covered by a National Assessment Document where there is not an ISO 7240 standard.
4.3  Transmission path(s) (TP)
4.3.1  General Each TP between components shall be realized as one of or a combination of the following: electrical cables, radio frequency links or fibre optic cables. Means, specified and provided, of limiting the consequences of faults on a transmission path shall ensure that the function of remaining operational devices is re-established within 300 s following the occurrence of the fault. Application guidelines may require that the consequences of a fault (for example a short circuit or an interruption) on a transmission path are limited: for example, not losing more than one function or limiting the maximum area affected by the fault. 4.3.2  TP using wires The applicant shall define in the installation documentation the arrangement of the TP and if the TPs may be combined in one cable. A single short or open or earth fault in any TP between components of the FDAS shall not affect the correct functioning of any other TP. A short, open or earth fault on a TP to any other system shall not affect the correct functioning of the FDAS.

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