
AS 1301.402 pdf download

AS 1301.402 pdf download

AS 1301.402 pdf download.Methods of test for pulp and paper
3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 accuracy closeness of agreement between the test result obtained by a particular test system combination of one operator, one apparatus and one laboratory, and the true value of the property being measured for the particular test pieces tested 3.2 assigned value best estimate of the mean true value of a property which can be determined from the available test systems using the procedures in this Standard 3.3 constancy degree to which the test result on a particular sample by a particular test system remains constant over time 3.4 may indicates the existence of an option 3.5 repeatability degree of agreement between two results obtained on a particular sample by a particular test system at a particular time 3.6 replicate test single performance of the procedure of the test on a single test piece 3.7 reproducibility degree of agreement between results obtained by two different test systems on the same sample 3.8 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 3.9 should indicates a recommendation 3.10 test result mean of the results of the required number of replicate tests (see Clause 7.6) performed in accordance with the relevant Standard 3.11 test system combination of one operator, one apparatus and one test environment which produces the test result 3.12 true value correct mean value of a particular property of a particular sample which would be obtained if every source of error and variability could be eliminated Note 1 to entry: In most cases the true value can never be known but can be estimated with varying degrees of accuracy.
4  Principle
For a particular test, a series of randomized samples of reference material is prepared such that measurements can be made at a minimum of two, but preferably three, levels over the working range of the test scale. The reference material is as typical as possible in all physical respects of the material normally tested by the test system. The reference material is tested in accordance with the relevant Standard at appropriate intervals by the test system being monitored. The test results may be graphed on a chart that is used to judge the performance of the test system.
5  Selection of reference material
The reference material, grades and types of products shall be selected that are typical of the kinds of material which are normally tested by the test system or systems, and whose test values are distributed throughout the range of test values likely to be encountered. At least two, but preferably three, reference materials of different test values shall be selected for a particular test. Where three are selected, their test values shall be in the low, medium and high sections of the working range. Where two are selected, one shall have a value towards the low end of the working range and the other towards the high end. When grades and types of product are selected, the performance of the paper or paper board machine shall be monitored during the manufacture of each of the selected grades. A reel shall be chosen that was made in a period, not near the start or end of a making, during which the machine conditions were stable and from that part of the deckle where the cross direction (CD) variation in moisture, grammage and tests of interest is least. NOTE  As shrinkage of paper is greatest on the paper machine towards the edge, which affects some properties, a centre reel should be selected.

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