
AS 1289.4.1.1 pdf download

AS 1289.4.1.1 pdf download

AS 1289.4.1.1 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes
3  Reagents
The following reagents of analytical reagent (AR) grade shall be used: (a) Potassium dichromate 0.1667M solution Dissolve 49.035 g of potassium dichromate in distilled water and make up to the mark in a 1 L volumetric flask with distilled water. (b) Concentrated sulfuric acid Density 1.84 g/mL. (c) Iron II sulfate approximately 0.5M solution Dissolve approximately 140 g of ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (FeS0 4 .7H 2 O) in 0.5M sulfuric acid and make up to the mark in a 1 L volumetric flask. Keep this solution tightly stoppered as it is unstable in air. Standardize it against the dichromate solution at least once per week. (d) Orthophosphoric acid 85 % Density 1.7 g/mL to 1.75 g/mL. (e) Indicator solution Dissolve 0.25 g of sodium diphenylamine‑sulfonate in 100 mL of distilled water.
4  Apparatus
The following apparatus shall be used: (a) A drying oven in accordance with the requirements of AS 1289.0. (b) A balance of at least 300 g capacity with a limit of performance not greater than ±0.005 g. (c) Two 1 L volumetric flasks. (d) Two 25 mL burettes, graduated to 0.1 mL. (e) A 20 mL pipette and a 1 mL pipette. (f) Two conical flasks of 500 mL capacity. (g) Two graduated measuring cylinders, 200 mL and 20 mL. (h) A desiccator (a convenient size is from about 200 mm to 250 mm diameter) containing anhydrous silica gel. (i) A glass bottle for mass determinations, approximately 25 mm diameter and 50 mm high, fitted with a ground‑glass stopper. (j) Sieves of 9.5 mm and 425 μm sizes and receivers in accordance with ISO 3310 Parts 1 and 2. (k) Sample dividers of the multiple‑slot type (riffle boxes) similar to those shown in AS 1289.1.1, having openings 7 mm and 13 mm wide. (l) A suitable mechanical or hand‑operated pulverizer. (m) A wash-bottle, preferably plastic, containing distilled water. (n) Timer.
5  Procedure
5.1  Preparation of test portions for analysis
The procedure shall be as follows: (a) Dry the bulk sample obtained in accordance with the procedure prescribed in AS 1289.1.1 for the preparation of disturbed samples for testing in the oven at 105 °C to 110 °C. (b) Allow the sample to cool and determine and record its mass (m 1 ) to the nearest 0.001 g. (c) Crush all aggregations, other than discrete particles, and sieve over the 9.5 mm sieve. NOTE 1  Soils containing sulfides: Soils containing sulfides have been found to give high results by this method. The sulfides can be destroyed prior to pulverizing by the addition of dilute (0.5M) sulfuric acid. Add acid until no further evolution of hydrogen sulfide occurs. The sample should be dried prior to pulverizing. NOTE 2  Soils containing chlorides: Soils containing chlorides have been found to give high results using this method. The chlorides may be removed prior to pulverizing by washing the soil with distilled water until no turbidity is obtained when a drop of the washing water is tested with silver nitrate solution. Alternatively, the effect of chlorides on the determination can be partly eliminated by using concentrated sulfuric acid in which silver sulfate has been dissolved in place of the concentrated sulfuric acid specified in Clause 3(b). If the molecular equivalent ratio of chloride to carbon does not exceed unity, 25 g of silver sulfate per litre of sulfuric acid will be sufficient to precipitate the chloride. The sample should be dried prior to pulverizing. (d) Record the mass (m 2 ) to the nearest 0.001 g of material passing the sieve.(e) Ensure that there is no loss of fines through these and all subsequent operations. (f) Divide the material passing the 9.5 mm sieve by successive riffling on the 13 mm divider or by quartering to produce a sample of about 100 g. (g) Pulverize this sample so that it passes the 425 μm sieve, and then subdivide the sample by riffling on the 7 mm divider until two test portions about 5 g each are obtained. Throughout this and any subsequent operation, thoroughly mix the material available for any division and take precautions to avoid segregation during riffling. (h) Place each test portion in a glass bottle and dry to constant mass at a temperature of 105 °C to 110 °C. NOTE  Constant mass is when the differences between successive mass determinations at intervals of 4 h do not exceed 0.1 % of the original mass (m 1 ) of the sample.

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