
AS 1357.1 pdf download

AS 1357.1 pdf download

AS 1357.1 pdf download.Valves primarily for use in heated water systems
1.3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS/NZS 3500.0 and those below apply. 1.3.1 auxiliary pressure-relief device pressure-operated device forming part of an expansion control valve, temperature-relief valve or temperature/pressure relief valve, which in the event of blockage of the drain outlet provides — (a) expansion relief (expansion-control valves); (b) safety relief (temperature-relief valves); or (c) expansion and safety relief (temperature/pressure-relief valves) 1.3.2 distortion that which is obvious to the eye without resorting to dimensional checking 1.3.3 pressure Note 1 to entry: All pressures referred to in this document are gauge pressures and not absolute pressures. opening pressure pressure that first causes a valve to open reseating pressure pressure that first allows a valve to close set pressure pressure at which a valve is designated to operate 1.3.4 normative forming an integral part of the Standard 1.3.5 rated capacity expansion control valve maximum rate of heat energy to a water heater for which the pressure remains within defined limits, as the valve discharges the expanding water relief valve rate at which the input energy can be safely dissipated by the discharge of hot water or steam through the valve 1.3.6 temperature opening temperature temperature at the inlet of a valve that first causes it to open reseating temperature temperature at the inlet of a valve that first allows it to close set temperature temperature at which a valve is designated to operate 1.3.7 manufacturer’s specification documented record of the product’s attributes, issued by — (a) the original manufacturer in the case of a new valve; or (b) the manufacturer in the case of a remanufactured valve whose specifications supersede the original valve’s specifications 1.3.8 reconditioned component component that is rendered suitable for normal service by acceptable reconditioning techniques 1.3.9 replacement components new components that are sourced from an original equipment or replacement manufacturer and produced in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification for the valve model 1.3.10 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.3.11 should indicates a recommendation
1.5  Marking
Each valve conforming to this Standard shall be marked with the following information: (a) The manufacturer’s name, trademark or symbol. In the case of a remanufactured valve, the original manufacturer’s name, trademark or symbol and licence number shall be removed. (b) Name or model number of the valve or device. (c) Identification for traceability in the form of either of the following: (i) Batch identification. (ii) Individual serial number. (d) Number of this Standard, i.e. AS 1357.1. (e) Identification of the inlet, drain, outlet or other special connections, or by an arrow indicating direction of flow. (f) Additional markings for valves as specified in the appropriate clause. (g) In the case of a remanufactured valve, the words “remanufactured valve” in a prominent position immediately adjacent to the model number or name and with a minimum text height of 3 mm. Unless otherwise specified, this information shall be permanently marked on the valve body (cast, stamped or engraved) or shown on a rating plate affixed to the valve. NOTE 1  The intention is to achieve permanency of the marking for the life of the product, or at least 5 years under normal conditions of use. NOTE 2  Manufacturers making a statement of conformance with this Australian Standard on a product, packaging, or promotional material related to that product are advised to ensure that such conformance is capable of being verified.
2.1  General Materials used in the construction of valves and devices shall be suitable for the conditions of use (e.g. temperature, pressure, and compatibility with any adjacent component). Where construction or attachment involves brazing, the materials shall be suitable for brazing. 2.2  Contamination of water Materials in contact with drinking water shall be in accordance with AS/NZS 4020. 2.3  Corrosion-resistant metallic materials The parts of the valves in contact with water shall be made from corrosion-resistant materials. For the purpose of this Standard, the following materials are deemed to be corrosion resistant: (a) Copper, as specified in Clause 2.4. (b) Copper alloy, as specified in Clause 2.5 and Clause 2.6. (c) Stainless steel, as specified in Clause 2.7. (d) Material for springs, as specified in Clause 2.10.1(c). (e) Other materials, as specified in Clause 2.10. 2.4  Copper Copper shall be in accordance with the following: (a) Wrought products — AS 2738. (b) Tubular components — Copper pipe shall conform to AS 1432 or NZS 3501.

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