
AS 1742.3 pdf download

AS 1742.3 pdf download

AS 1742.3 pdf download.Manual of uniform trafc control devices
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies the principles relating to the devices for the control of traffic for works on roads. It specifies the traffic control measures and devices to be used to warn, instruct and guide road users in the safe negotiation of work sites on roads including unsealed roads and footpaths. The principles may also be appropriate for work on shared paths and bicycle paths. It is applicable to traffic guidance schemes for road and bridge construction and maintenance sites, works associated with other public utilities and services, or any other activities which cause interference or obstruction to the normal use of a road or path by any road user. NOTE 1  Detailed specifications for the design and manufacture of the standard signs in this Standard are given in AS 1743. At the time of the publication of this Standard, AS 1743 does not yet cover multi-message signs. NOTE 2  This Standard is intended for use in conjunction with the relevant Austroads guidelines, including the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management and various Commonwealth, state and territory requirements relating to safe work and works on roads.
1.3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions in Austroads Glossary of Terms (AP-C87-15) and those below apply. 1.3.1 built-up area roadside development comprising property accesses at spacings averaging less than 100 m over distances of at least 500 m or where street lights are provided and are not more than 100 m apart 1.3.2 competent person person who has, through a combination of training, qualification and experience, acquired knowledge and skills enabling that person to correctly perform a specified task Note 1 to entry: Competency requirements have been defined by Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. 1.3.3 frequently changing work area where the area that work activities are carried out in is variable Note 1 to entry: Examples include where minor maintenance is carried out along a pavement or shoulder, and longitudinal survey work and road furniture maintenance at successive closely spaced locations. Note 2 to entry: Guidelines for frequently changing work areas are given in the Austroads Guide to Temporary Traffic Management. 1.3.4 long-term where a traffic guidance scheme is required to operate both day and night and may be left unattended 1.3.5 may indicates the existence of an option 1.3.6 multilane two or more running lanes in one direction 1.3.7 open road area roadside development less frequent than that specified for a built-up area (1.3.1) 1.3.8 road safety barrier system physical barrier separating the work area and the travelled path, designed to resist penetration by an out-of-control vehicle and as far as reasonably practicable, to redirect out of control vehicles back into the travelled path 1.3.9 road user any driver, rider, passenger or pedestrian, including people with disabilities, using the road 1.3.10 road worker any person who works on a roadway, including the traffic management personnel 1.3.11 roadway that portion of the road devoted particularly to the use of vehicles, inclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes Note 1 to entry: This definition does not match any definition in the Australian Road Rules. Furthermore, the term “road” is used in this Standard in its common, all-embracing sense as defined in dictionaries and not as more narrowly defined in the Australian Road Rules. 1.3.12 running lane portion of the roadway allotted for a single line of moving vehicles 1.3.13 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.3.14 should indicates a recommendation 1.3.15 short-term where a traffic guidance scheme is required only while work personnel are in attendance. The duration is generally limited to a single work shift or lesser period where road conditions are returned to normal when the shift or lesser period ends 1.3.16 speed of traffic traffic speed estimate of the speed of the majority of vehicles in the stream if considered to be significantly different from the speed limit (see Note 2), either above or below, or the speed limit applying at a location Note 1 to entry: This estimate can be made by travelling in the stream when there is a sufficient volume of traffic to match and observe the speed of the majority of vehicles. Occasional vehicles clearly travelling faster than the majority are ignored. If the 85th percentile speed measured in accordance with AS 1742.2 is known at the location, this should be used in lieu. Note 2 to entry: A variation from the speed limit of ±10 km/h or more is considered significant.

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