
AS 3011.2 pdf download

AS 3011.2 pdf download

AS 3011.2 pdf download.Electrical installations — Secondary batteries installed in buildings
1.1  Scope
This Standard sets out requirements for the installation of sealed lead-acid and sealed alkaline secondary batteries with a nominal voltage exceeding 24 V d.c. and a capacity exceeding 10 A.h at the 1 h rate of discharge, permanently installed in buildings, structures or premises. This Standard applies to premises with critical power continuity requirements, for example acute care hospitals, sub-station support and black start. NOTE 1  Refer to AS 2676.2 for guidance on the installation and maintenance of sealed secondary batteries. NOTE 2  This Standard applies to sealed cells only. Refer to AS 3011.1 and AS 2676.1 for the installation and maintenance of vented cells. NOTE 3  Refer to AS/NZS 3015 for requirements specifically applicable to the design and installation of extra-low voltage (d.c.) power supplies that are used by telecommunications carriers in the provision of public telecommunications networks. NOTE 4  Refer to AS 5139 for general installation and safety requirements for battery energy storage systems (BESSs).
1.3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1.3.1 authorized person person in charge of the premises, or the licensed electrical contractor or electrician or other competent person appointed or selected by the person in charge of the premises to perform certain duties associated with the battery installation on the premises 1.3.2 battery unit consisting of one or more energy storage cells connected in series, parallel or series parallel arrangement 1.3.3 battery enclosure cabinet, box or other housing that provides protection against electrical contact or damage to the battery Note 1 to entry: A battery enclosure may also be used in a battery room. 1.3.4 battery room room specifically intended for the installation of batteries 1.3.5 battery string batteries or battery modules connected in series 1.3.6 cell functional unit, consisting of an assembly of electrodes, electrolyte, container, terminals and usually separators, that is a source of electric energy obtained by direct conversion of chemical energy [SOURCE: IEV 482-01-01] 1.3.7 charging operation during which a battery receives electric energy, which is converted to chemical energy, from an external circuit Note 1 to entry: The quantity of electric energy is referred to as the charge. Note 2 to entry: The charge is measured in ampere hours or watt hours. 1.3.8 competent person person who has acquired knowledge and skill, through training, qualifications, experience, or a combination of these, and which enables that person to correctly perform the task required 1.3.9 horizontally mounted cell cell mounted with its terminals and valves on its vertical surface Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1(a) for example. 1.3.10 may indicates the existence of an option 1.3.11 monobloc battery secondary battery in which two or more cells are fitted in a multi-compartment container 1.3.12 nominal voltage stated value of voltage used to identify a type of cell Note 1 to entry: For the purpose of this Standard, the nominal voltage of a lead-acid cell is 2 V and a nickel- cadmium cell is 1.2 V.1.3.13 readily accessible capable of being reached quickly and without climbing over or removing obstructions, mounting upon a chair, or using a movable ladder, and in any case not more than 2 m above the ground, floor or platform 1.3.14 sealed valve-regulated cell cell which is closed under normal conditions but which has an arrangement which allows the escape of gas if the internal pressure exceeds a predetermined value 1.3.15 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.3.16 should indicates a recommendation
2  General requirements
2.1  General 2.1.1  Hydrogen emission When charged to the float voltage specified by the manufacturer, a sealed cell will emit small quantities of hydrogen. When a sealed cell is subject to abnormal charging conditions at voltages higher than float voltage, it will emit larger quantities of hydrogen. Means to prevent overvoltage in excess of the battery manufacturer’s specifications shall be incorporated into the charger control. 2.1.2  Alarms An alarm shall be initiated indicating an overcurrent or overvoltage condition or alternatively the battery charger shall automatically shut down where an overcurrent or overvoltage condition occurs. NOTE  Refer to AS 2676.2 for recommendations on alarms.

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