
AS 11801.6 pdf download

AS 11801.6 pdf download

AS 11801.6 pdf download.Information technology — Generic cabling for customer premises
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 1 1 801 specifies generic cabling within premises that comprise single or multiple buildings on a campus. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This document has been prepared to reflect the increasing use of generic cabling in support of non-user specific services and the sharing of information between such services that can also incorporate the supply of power, including 1 ) telecommunications, e.g. wireless access points, distributed antenna systems, 2) energy management, e.g. lighting, power distribution, incoming utility metering, 3) environmental control, e.g. temperature, humidity, 4) personnel management, e.g. access control, cameras, PIR detectors, time and attendance monitoring, electronic signage, audio-visual projectors, 5) personal information and alarms, e.g. paging, patient monitoring, nurse call, infant security, 6) intelligent building systems. This document specifies directly or via reference to ISO/IEC 1 1 801 -1 a) the structure and configuration for generic cabling for distributed building services, b) the interfaces at the service outlet (SO), c) the performance requirements for cabling links and channels, d) the implementation requirements and options, e) the performance requirements for cabling components, f) the conformance requirements and verification procedures. Safety (e.g. electrical safety and protection, fire) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document, and are covered by other standards and by regulations. However, information given by this document can be of assistance.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 1 1 801 -1 , ISO/IEC 1 4763-2 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: • IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ • ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 .1 building service non-user specific service within premises including, but not restricted to, building automation, security, access control, building management, wireless access points, information displays and alarm systems 3.1 .2 distributed building service building service provided to locations additional to those specified in premises-specific standards in the ISO/IEC 1 1 801 series 3.1.3 network conversion interface passive or active device allowing the attachment of cabling of different network topologies to a service concentration point 3.1.4 service area area in a room or facility where non-user specific equipment is placed and connected to the same service concentration point or groups of service outlets 3.1.5 service area cord cord connecting the service outlet to the terminal equipment 3.1.6 service concentration point SCP connection point in the Type A generic cabling between a service distributor and a service outlet or a connection point offering connections to terminal equipment at the end of Type B generic cabling 3.1.7 service concentration point cable cable between a service concentration point and a service outlet 3.1.8 service distribution cable cable connecting the service distributor to the service outlet(s) of Type A cabling or service concentration point(s) of Type A or Type B cabling 3.1.9 service outlet SO fixed connecting device where the service distribution cabling terminates
4 Conformance
For a cabling system to conform to this document the following applies. a) The configuration and structure shall conform to the requirements outlined in Clause 5. b) Channels shall meet the requirements specified in Clause 6 when subjected to environment conditions, local to the channels (see NOTE below), as defined by the applicable environmental Class(es) of Clause 6. This shall be achieved by one of the following: 1 ) a channel design and implementation ensuring that the prescribed channel performance of Clause 6 is met; 2) attachment of appropriate components to a permanent link or service concentration point (SCP) link design meeting the prescribed performance class of Clause 7. Channel performance shall be ensured where a channel is created by adding more than one cord to either end of a link meeting the requirements of Clause 7; 3) for E 1 environments, using the reference implementations of Clause 8 and compatible cabling components conforming to the requirements of Clauses 9, 1 0 and 1 1 , this is based upon a statistical approach of performance modelling. c) The interfaces to the cabling at the SO shall conform to the requirements of Clause 1 0 with respect to mating interfaces and performance when subjected to environment conditions, local to the connecting hardware (see NOTE below), as defined by the applicable environmental Class(es) of Clause 6. d) Connecting hardware at other places in the cabling structure shall meet the performance requirements specified in Clause 1 0 when subjected to environment conditions, local to the connecting hardware (see NOTE below), as defined by the applicable environmental Class(es) of Clause 6, e) The requirements of ISO/IEC 1 4763-2 and ISO/IEC 301 29 shall be met.

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