
AS NZS 4671 pdf download

AS NZS 4671 pdf download

AS NZS 4671 pdf download.Steel for the reinforcement of concrete
1  Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for the chemical composition, mechanical properties and geometric properties of steel used for reinforcing concrete, in the form of — (a) deformed or plain bars and coils; (b) machine-welded mesh; and (c) continuously threaded bars. This Standard does not apply to prestressing steels, stainless steel, epoxy coated and galvanized reinforcing steels. NOTE 1  Prestressing steels are covered by AS/NZS 4672.1 and AS/NZS 4672.2. NOTE 2  Information on galvanized reinforcing steels is available in Galvanized Reinforcement In Concrete—An Introduction For Engineers and Designers and S.R. Yeomans, Galvanized Reinforcement In Concrete Structures— Questions and Answers. Both are available from the Galvanizers Association of Australia.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 ageing heating of the test specimen to 100 ± 10 °C, maintaining this temperature for a period of 60 +15, 0 min and then cooling the specimen in still air to room temperature Note 1 to entry: The method used to determine the temperature can be a calibrated oven (calibrated for both temperature and temperature spatial distribution) or boiling water.3.2 assigned diameter diameter of a bar used for designating a product Note 1 to entry: In some cases the assigned and nominal diameters may be the same. 3.3 bar straight length of reinforcing steel 3.4 batches 3.4.1 batch [for material covered by long term quality (LTQ)] quantity of reinforcing steel of the same designation, produced by the same designation(s) of feed material, process, equipment and conditions — (a) for hot-worked products, from the same cast; or (b) for cold-worked products, not exceeding 50 t of bars or coils; or (c) for mesh products not exceeding 1000 sheets. 3.4.2 batch [for material not covered by long term quality (LTQ)] quantity of reinforcing steel of the same designation produced by the same process with a maximum mass of 100 t for bars or coils and 2000 sheets for mesh 3.5 characteristic values 3.5.1 lower characteristic value C vL value of a property having a prescribed (high) probability (p) of being exceeded in a hypothetical unlimited series of standard tests 3.5.2 upper characteristic value C vU value of a property having a prescribed (high) probability (p) of not being exceeded in a hypothetical unlimited series of standard tests 3.6 coil single length of reinforcing steel wound concentrically 3.7 cold-worked products reinforcing steel produced by any change in cross-sectional geometry or shape (e.g. straight or coil) below the re-crystallization temperature 3.8 decoiled products reinforcing steel manufactured in coils and subsequently processed3.9 deformed reinforcement 3.9.1 indented reinforcement reinforcing steel with at least two rows of transverse indentations, which are distributed uniformly along the entire length 3.9.2 ribbed reinforcement reinforcing steel with at least two rows of transverse ribs that are distributed uniformly along the entire length 3.10 hot-worked products reinforcing steel produced by any change in cross-sectional geometry or shape (e.g. straight or coil) above the re-crystallization temperature 3.11 item single piece of reinforcing steel (e.g. a bar, a coil or a sheet of mesh) 3.12 long-term quality LTQ assessment of a mechanical property of a reinforcing steel product by statistical analysis of the test results for the given property Note 1 to entry: Further information on LTQ is provided in Appendix E. 3.13 mesh longitudinal and transverse bars of the same or different diameter and length, which are arranged substantially at right angles and factory electrical resistance welded at the points of intersection and rely on the shear strength of the welds for lapping sheets 3.13.1 length of mesh longest side of the mesh, irrespective of the manufacturing direction 3.13.2 longitudinal bars in mesh reinforcing steel in the manufacturing direction of the mesh 3.13.3 overhang of mesh length of longitudinal or transverse bar projecting beyond the outside edge of the outer cross bar in the mesh 3.13.4 pitch of mesh centre-to-centre distance between bars in the mesh Note 1 to entry: For twin bar mesh, the pitch is measured between the midpoint of the adjacent bars.

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