
AS 1603.11 pdf download

AS 1603.11 pdf download

AS 1603.11 pdf download.Automatic fre detection and alarm systems
2.3 Luminance requirements for LED matrix, fixed message type VWD
2.3.1 Mean luminance The mean luminance for LED matrix VWD shall be not less than 180 cd/m2. 2.3.2 Uniformity The ratio of maximum luminance to minimum luminance across the VWD shall be not less than 100:1 for character to background contrast. Character to character uniformity shall provide a luminance differential of not more than土10 %.
2.4 Luminance requirements for programmable message type VWD
2.4.1 Mean luminance The mean luminance for programmable message type VWD shall be not less than 180 cd/m2. 2.4.2 Uniformity The ratio of maximum luminance to minimum luminance across the VWD shall be not less than 100:1 for character to background contrast. Character to character uniformity shall provide a luminance differential of not more than+ 10 %. 2.4.3 Flashing messages For programmable message type VWD intended to flash in the alarm mode, or containing an attention- getting phase, the message shall remain constant while the VWD is flashing. Where the whole message cannot be viewed during the scrolling phase, it shall not flash. 2.4.4 Fire safety text messages Representative text messages related to fire safety shall be provided and meet the requirements of Clauses 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.4.3. NOTE Message length and repetition timing should be considered. 2.5 Maximum rated viewing distance The rated maximum viewing distance for the displayed characters shall be calculated based on an angle subtended by the eye of 18 min of arc at the rated viewing distance.
For other non-alphanumeric characters [e.g. Chinese Song) or pictorial elements, the maximum viewing distance shall be calculated on the largest character or element height (mm) multiplied by 0.16. . An alphanumeric character’s size shall be assessed by measuring the height of all capital characters, or by the matrix height where the characters are formed by a fixed matrix height of light emitting devices. 2.6 Countdown timer一optional function Where countdown timers are used, they shall be linear in operation and meet the requirements of this document for both display and timing tolerance. 2.7 Ancillary functions – optional Where additional functions are included, they shall not jeopardize the required functions of the VWD, nor provide incorrect or conflicting information. Where there are external connections to ancillary devices (remote indicators, control relays, etc.), open or shortcircuit failures of these connections shall not prevent the correct operation of the VWD. 2.8 Supervision of detachable devices If a VWD is detachable (i.e. attached to a detachable mounting base), a means shall be provided for a remote system (control and indicating equipment) to detect removal of the device from the base, in order to give a fault signal. 2.9 Environmental classification VWD shall be classified according to their intended applications and meet the corresponding test parameters given in Table 2.9, when tested in accordance with the test schedule in Clause 3.1.2.
2.10 Flash rate一optional function Where a VWD has provision for flashing, when flashing in the alarm mode, the flash rate shall be between 0.5 Hz and 1 Hz. The on period shall be at least 50 % of the cycle and the off period at least 0.2 s. NOTE The maximum off period is calculated by 1/Frequency x 0.5. E.g. for 1 Hz the maximum off is 0.5 s. For 0.5 Hz the maximum offis 1 s. 2.11 Synchronization – – optional function Where a VWD has provision for synchronization with at least one other VWD or VAD, the difference between synchronized devices shall be less than 0.05 s after a period of 30 min. . NOTE A suitable test is described in AS ISO 7240.23. If this is provided by means of an interconnecting trigger wire, the maximum number or loading factor and other compatibility information shall be specified in the data required by Clause 6. A fault in the interconnecting transmission path shall not stop the VWD from operating. In the case of an interconnection fault, it is acceptable for the VWD to illuminate without flashing.

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