
AS 3891.2 pdf download

AS 3891.2 pdf download

AS 3891.2 pdf download.Air navigation—Cables and their supporting structures—Marking and safety requirements
1.1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for marking of overhead cables and their supporting structures for visual warnings to pilots of aircraft involved in planned legal low-level aviation operations. Typical aviation operations within the scope of this Standard include aerial application, firefighting, mustering, emergency services response, power line inspection, survey, media, parachuting and ballooning operations conducted under an approval, licence or regulations issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA]. . Aircraft warning markers specified in this part of the Standard are designed as a visual reminder of the location of the cables and their supporting structures. The landholder, pilot, pilot representative or aviation operations entity conducting the operation will endeavour to identify relevant hazards, including overhead cables and their supporting structures, before commencing the operation. This Standard does not apply to low level flying as a result of an operational emergency (see definitions of planned low level legal aviation operations).
1.3 Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard the definitions below apply. 1.3.1 aircraft warning markers an aircraft warning marker (“a marker”] installed on an overhead cable, its supporting structure or the ground, positioned in close proximity to and along the route of an overhead cable to delineate the existence or presence of such cables and structures for the purpose of warning aircraft pilots 1.3.2 landing areas for planned low level aviation operations any landing or alighting place other than the authorised landing areas defined in AS 3891.1  1.3.3 . planned low level legal aviation operations any aviation operation that involves flight below 500 feet (approximately 152 metres) above ground level, that is permitted under the Civil Aviation Act, Civil Aviation Regulations [CAR), Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR) or a Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) permission or exemption and which involves planning for the safe conduct of the operation Typical aviation operations within the scope of this Standard include aerial application, firefighting, mustering, emergency services response, power line inspection, survey, media, parachuting and ballooning operations conducted under an approval, licence or regulation issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Such operations do not include operations conducted as a result of an aircraft or pilot operational emergency, such as medical incapacitation, force of weather, engine or airframe failure or any issue ofa similar nature
2.1 General
Nothing in this Standard shall preclude the use of aircraft warning markers as described in AS 3891.1. Aircraft warning markers for attachment to cables and structures, or for positioning in close proximity to cables and structures, shall be of types specified in this standard and shall comply with Clause 2.2. NOTE Any cables and/or supporting structures which are not capable of supporting a marker of a design which conforms to this Standard should be marked with the nearest approximation to these requirements or using non-cable mounted solutions. The selected approach should satisfy the mutual requirements of the asset owner and the pilot or entity requesting the marking.
2.2 General design requirements
2.2.1 Design aspects The following design aspects shall be considered and documented for aircraft warning marker design and implementation: [a) Attachment一For cable-mounted markers, the method of attachment shall prevent slippage of the marker under the nominated serviceability conditions. (b) Damage一Prevention of damage to the cable, support structure and other fittings, under nominated serviceability conditions. [c Visibility – Visibility that presents good contrast with the likely surrounding background and conforms to the specific marker requirements of Clause 2.2.2. NOTE A reflector or light- emitting device may be attached to the marker. [d) The weight of the marker should take into account increases in cable sag and tension, and reduction in cable-to-cable separation and ground clearance. [e) Vibration – – Take into account any increase in vibration of the line caused by the fitting of the marker. [f) Aerodynamic characteristics – – Take into account any additional load that may be imposed on the line.

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