
AS 5159.1 pdf download

AS 5159.1 pdf download

AS 5159.1 pdf download.Trampoline park facilities
This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the design, operation, maintenance and inspection of trampoline park facilities (TPF). This Standard is applicable for indoor, outdoor and mobile trampoline park facilities and related equipment associated with a TPF. This Standard includes supervision levels, staff and patron training, competencies, information, maintenance and testing of TPF and associated equipment. This Standard is not applicable to domestic trampolines, bungy trampolines, gymnastic trampolines, trampolines intended for use on water, and inflatable trampolines and/or devices.
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 1.3.1 Airbag A device containing air for the purpose of impact attenuation. 1.3.2 Base bag An impact-attenuating device containing air that adds a fail-safe system on the floor of a dismount pit and/or airbag. 1.3.3 Base foam An impact-attenuating layer that adds a fail-safe system on the floor of a dismount pit and/or air bag. 1.3.4 Bed A flexible surface that the patron contacts in the course of bouncing on a trampoline. Also known as a mat. 1.3.5 Competent person A person who has acquired through training, qualifications or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform a specified task. 1.3.6 Critical fall height The impact height where an impact attenuating system has a HIC less than 1000, a HIC duration greater than 5 ms, and a g max less than 200g. 1.3.7 Cyclic loading The application of repeated or fluctuating stresses, strains, or stress intensities to locations on structural components. 1.3.8 Dismount pit A contained space comprising an impact attenuating system for safe landing from height. 1.3.9 Dismount pit net An under slung flexible knitted/woven device to hold the foam cubes off the ground and provide fluffing. May be spring or tied solid. Method to keep foam cubes from compressing in base of dismount pit especially corners. 1.3.10 Foam cube Polyhedron shaped foam objects used to fill a dismount pit to absorb impact. 1.3.11 Free space Space in, on, beneath or around the trampoline. 1.3.12 g max The maximum acceleration experienced during impact. Expressed as a multiple of acceleration into gravity at the earth’s surface at sea level.1.3.13 Harness A suspended device intended to provide support and control for the patron and coach/instructor. Typically a fixed attachment used on a non-stationary piece of equipment/activity to assist a coach/instructor during the training of athletes in advanced manoeuvres. 1.3.14 Head injury criteria (HIC) A measure of impact severity that considers the duration over which the most critical section of the acceleration pulse persists as well as the peak level of that acceleration. 1.3.15 HIC duration The time interval over which the HIC is calculated, i.e. (t 1 – t 2 ). NOTE: Where t 1 and t 2 are intermediate values of t between t start and t end attaining the maximum HIC value. 1.3.16 High performance trampoline A gymnastic grade trampoline with a bed constructed of string or similar material that enhances performance. 1.3.17 High performance wall Assorted height structures located adjacent to high performance trampolines so that patrons may enhance their level of activity by utilizing the wall as a landing or rebound space integrated into their activity. Typical activities include jumping to or on the wall, around the corner of two walls and wall running, and may include bodily manoeuvres such as flips and twists. 1.3.18 Impact area The surface that can be hit by a patron falling. 1.3.19 Impact attenuation system Pad, floor mat, carpet and foam composite flooring system, foam filled bag, or another system that transforms the kinetic energy from falls into controlled acceleration/time behaviour during impact. 1.3.20 Impact attenuation test A series of at least four (in situ) or ten (laboratory-base) impact measurements carried out from a specified impact height. 1.3.21 Impact attenuation test position A position on the impact attenuating system to be tested, located perpendicularly below the centre of the headform.

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