
AS 62052.21 pdf download

AS 62052.21 pdf download

AS 62052.21 pdf download.Electricity metering equipment (ac)— General requirements, tests and test conditions
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62052 specifies general requirements for the type test of newly manufactured indoor tariff and load control equipment, like electronic ripple control receivers and time switches that are used to control electrical loads, multi-tariff registers and maximum demand indicator devices. This standard gives no requirements for constructional details internal to the tariff and load control equipment. In the case where tariff and load control functionality is integrated into multifunction electricity metering equipment, the relevant parts of this standard apply. This standard does not cover the acceptance tests and the conformity tests. Nevertheless, an example of what could be an acceptance test is given in Annex F. The safety aspect is covered by IEC 62052-31 :201 5. The dependability aspect is covered by the documents of the IEC 62059 series.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions, together with those of IEC 60050- 300, apply. Where there is a difference between the definitions in the glossary and those contained in product standards produced by TC 1 3 then the latter shall take precedence in applications of the relevant standard. 3.1 General definitions 3.1.1 tariff and load control equipment device intended to make or break or change over circuits controlling tariff devices of electricity meters or controlling electrical loads, based on a pre-determined time schedule and/or commands received from a control centre over suitable media and using suitable protocols 3.1.2 control element functional element controlling the display and/or the operation indicator and the output element. In the case of ripple control receivers, it comprises the decoding element and may contain a timing element. In the case of time switches, it comprises the time-keeping element and the element comparing the actual date and time with the schedule stored in the time switch 3.1.3 reference voltage U n value of the supply voltage in accordance with which the relevant performance of the tariff and load control equipment is fixed 3.1.4 reference frequency f n value of the frequency of the supply voltage in accordance with which the relevant performance of the tariff and load control equipment is fixed 3.1.5 type term used to define a particular design of tariff and load control equipment, manufactured by one manufacturer, having the same uniform construction of parts determining the functional, and, when applicable, the metrological properties. The type may have several values of reference voltage and frequency. Tariff and load control equipment are designated by the manufacturer by one or more groups of letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Each type has one designation only Note 1 to entry: The type is represented by the sample tariff and load control equipment intended for type tests, whose characteristics are chosen from the values given in the tables proposed by the manufacturer. 3.2 Definitions related to electronic ripple control receivers 3.2.1 electronic ripple control receiver device with an input and decoder circuit for the reception and interpretation of pulses of a single audio frequency superimposed on the voltage of an electricity distribution network and for the execution of the corresponding operation 3.2.2 standard receiver receiver for mounting on equipment board, a meter board or an instrument rail (or which is a part of the meter) 3.2.3 special receiver receiver intended for particular applications, for example, street lighting receivers 3.2.4 input element functional element that separates the control signals from the supply voltage and transmits them to the decoding element control voltage U s audio-frequency voltage superimposed on the supply system voltage. Throughout this standard, its steady r.m.s. value is used and is expressed as a percentage of the rated supply voltage U n of the receiver

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