
AS 1397 pdf download

AS 1397 pdf download

AS 1397 pdf download.Continuous hot-dip metallic coated steel sheet and strip — Coatings of zinc and zinc alloyed with aluminium and magnesium
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for continuously hot-dip metallic coated sheet steel and strip supplied in thicknesses up to and including 5.0 mm. Requirements for product conformity to this Standard are given in Appendix B. Requirements covered in this Standard are as follows: (a) Formability grades of steel. (b) Structural grades of steel. (c) Classes of zinc coating, including differential coatings. (d) Classes of zinc coating converted to zinc/iron alloy. (e) Classes of zinc/aluminium coatings. (f) Classes of zinc/aluminium/magnesium alloy coating. (g) Classes of aluminium/zinc alloy coating. (h) Classes of aluminium/zinc/magnesium alloy coating. (i) Surface finish. NOTE 1  Advice and recommendations on information to be supplied by the purchaser at the time of enquiry or order are contained in Appendix A. NOTE 2  The specified requirements apply to the full length and full width of the product supplied, unless otherwise indicated. NOTE 3  Within the description of the classes of coatings, the majority element present is listed first, followed by the next major element and followed by a third element if applicable.
1.3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1.3.1 batch identifiable amount of 50 t or less of one product type, i.e. of a particular thickness of steel grade, coating type and coating mass, processed sequentially under similar conditions 1.3.2 coating mass total mass of coating on both surfaces of the steel base, measured in grams per square metre of sheet or strip. In the case of differential coatings, the different surfaces are stated separately Note 1 to entry: The coating thickness is not subject to specification as it depends upon the coating alloy density, which varies with composition. The approximate coating thickness for various coating classes is given in Table C.2 in Appendix C. one surface single spot coating mass minimum coating mass on any one surface of any one of the three specimens used for the triple spot test single sided coating mass <applicable for differential coatings> mass of coating on any one surface of the steel base, measured in grams per square metre of sheet or strip, based on the average of three specimens selected from a sample representing the original cross section of the sheet or strip Note 1 to entry: See Table 3.6. single spot coating mass coating mass for one of the three specimens used for the triple spot coating mass test triple spot coating mass average coating mass of three specimens selected from a sample representing the original cross-section of the sheet or strip 1.3.3 coating type compositions of many of the metallic coatings described in this Standard, based around a nominal element, e.g. zinc, or a nominal combination of elements, e.g. 55% aluminium with balance zinc aluminium/zinc alloy coating hot-dip coating of 50% to 60% aluminium, 1% to 2% silicon, with the remainder zinc, and incorporating less than 1% of minor additions of control elements. (Type AZ) zinc coating hot-dip coating of 99% zinc incorporating less than 1% of minor additions of control elements (Type Z) or a coating of zinc converted to a zinc/iron alloy (Type ZF) zinc/aluminium coating hot-dip coating of zinc with 3% to 15% aluminium and incorporating less than 1% of minor additions of control elements (Type ZA) zinc/aluminium/magnesium coating hot-dip coating of zinc with— (a) 5% to 13% aluminium, 2% to 4% magnesium and incorporating less than 1% of minor additions of control elements (Type ZMa); or (b) 3% to less than 5% aluminium, 2% to 4% magnesium and incorporating less than 1% of minor additions of control elements (Type ZMb) 1.3.4 differential coating coating whereby the manufacturer has deliberately applied a different coating mass to each side of the steel Note 1 to entry: In the case of a differential coating the designation states the coating mass in g/m 2 of sheet for each side separately, see Example 1 in Clause 1.4.3. 1.3.5 control elements <minor additions> elements within metallic coatings that are considered minor in their percentage (present at less than 1 % by mass) and do not fundamentally alter the overall properties or performance of the coating type within which they are contained. e.g. the addition of 0.20 % aluminium to control alloying in zinc type coatings

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