
AS 1519 pdf download

AS 1519 pdf download

AS 1519 pdf download.Information and documentation- International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
1 Scope
This document establishes the specifications for the International Standard Book Number [ISBN) as a unique international identification system for each product form or edition of a separately available monographic publication published or produced by a specific publisher that is available to the public. It specifies the construction of an ISBN, the rules for its assignment and use, the metadata to be associated with the ISBN allocation, and the administration of the ISBN system. This document is applicable to monographic publications (books), not to textual works [content). Monographic publications include individual sections or chapters where these are made separately available and certain types of related products that are available to the public irrespective of whether those publications are made available for sale or on a gratis basis. Examples of applicable and non- applicable products are provided in Annex A. NOTE More detailed, operational guidance is provided in the latest version of the Users’ Manual available from the Registration Authority for this document (see Clause 7).
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: -ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp – IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ 3.1 check digit final character in the ISBN (3.8) string which is related to all preceding characters in the string by a specified mathematical algorithm and which may be used to verify the accuracy of the ISBN (3.8) string 3.2 continuing resource publication that is issued over time with no predetermined conclusion and made available to the public in any product form (3.12), usually issued in successive or integrating issues which generally have numerical and/or chronological designations Note 1 to entry: Continuing resources include serials such as newspapers, periodicals, journals, magazines, blogs, etc. and ongoing integrating resources such as loose-leaf publications that are continually updated, and websites that are continually updated. Continuing resources do not qualify for assignment of ISBN. 3.3 Digital 0bject Identifier DOI@ persistent and actionable identifier of an entity – physical, digital, or abstract – on digital networks that is part of the DOI system Note 1 to entry: See ISO 26324. Note 2 to entry: A DOI name when compliant with DOI syntax is a string that specifies a unique object within the DOI system. 3.4 Digital Rights Management DRM technology based on encryption software used to control access to the content and which is distinct from the product form (3.12) of a specific digital publication Note 1 to entry: Different settings may be applied within the DRM software to enforce usage constraints or enable particular additional features. Note 2 to entry: A single edition of a publication may be made available through different vendors who each apply different DRM software and/or differing usage constraints. Note 3 to entry:“Social” DRM denotes a particular type of DRM in which credentials about the customer are recorded in the product using watermarking technology but which does not enforce any usage constraints. Unless“social” DRM is explicitly stated, references to DRM in this document signify DRM technology based on encryption software. 3.5 edition manifestations of a publication embodying essentially the same content Note 1 to entry: A single edition of a publication may be published in multiple product forms. 3.6 GS1 prefix unique string of three digits issued by the GS1 Global Office and allocated exclusively to the Registration Authority for ISO 2108 3.7 imprint trade name or brand under which a work is published Note 1 to entry: A publishing company may have multiple imprints in order to target their books at specific markets. Note 2 to entry: In some cases, multiple imprints may be the result of mergers or acquisitions of different companies who wish to differentiate their brands. Note 3 to entry: An imprint is a name and not only a logo.

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