
AS 1528.1 pdf download

AS 1528.1 pdf download

AS 1528.1 pdf download.Stainless steel tubes and tube fttings for food processing and hygienic applications
8  Dimensions and tolerances
8.1  Outside diameter and wall thickness Nominal outside diameter and wall thicknesses for standard sizes are shown in Table 1. Tube diameter tolerances shall be those specified in Table 1 and wall thickness tolerance shall be ±10 % of nominal wall thickness. Other non-standard sizes may be manufactured to this specification; the outside diameter tolerance for the next larger size in Table 1 shall apply. Ovality is the difference between the maximum and minimum outside diameters measured at any one cross-section. The maximum and minimum outside diameters of any cross-section shall not deviate from the nominal diameter by more than twice the permissible variation in outside diameter; however, the mean diameter at that cross-section shall be within the given permissible variation.8.2  Length The standard tube length shall be a 6 m mill-length or a mill-length nominated prior to manufacturing. For mill-lengths up to and including 7.3 m, the length tolerance shall be +35, 0 mm. For mill-lengths above 7.3 m, an additional length tolerance of +1 mm per additional 1 m of mill-length, up to a maximum length tolerance of +48, 0 mm. Off-line cut length tolerances shall be +3, 0 mm for tube diameters to 34.93 mm, and +5, 0 mm for tube diameters larger than 34.93 mm. 8.3  Ends Ends shall be cut square and deburred. 8.4  Straightness Each tube shall be straight within 2 mm in any 1000 mm length as measured against a straight edge.
10  Surface finish
10.1  External surface The external surface of tubes may be as-produced or buff polished as specified. The surface finish shall be agreed upon by methods which may include comparison samples, Ra limits or grit specification. 10.2  Internal surface 10.2.1  General Internal surface weld heat tint shall be no more than level 3 in AWS D18.1M, commonly referred to as “pale straw”. The requirements for pickling and any subsequent finishing may be specified (see Appendix A).10.2.2  Interior surface finish (excluding the weld zone) The finish of the interior surface of the tube, excluding the weld zone, shall be a maximum 0.80 µm Ra as assessed in accordance with the procedure described in ISO 4288. Any visual markings such as scoring or roll marks shall not have an Rt value exceeding 14.0 µm, or a single value either side of the nominal line of the roughness profile exceeding 7.0 µm, referred to Rp (peak) and Rv (valley). 10.2.3  Interior surface finish (of the weld zone) For tubes with an outside diameter 31.75 mm and above, the profile of the weld bead after cold working — (a) shall be continuously smooth when visually inspected; and (b) when measured laterally (across the weld) shall not have an Rt value exceeding 14.0 µm, or a single value either side of the nominal line of the roughness profile exceeding 7.0 µm, referred to Rp (peak) and Rv (valley).
11  Hygienic requirements
11.1  Absence of contaminants Tubing shall be manufactured and handled in a manner that will avoid ferrous and other organic or inorganic contamination. 11.2  Freedom from defects The tubes shall be internally clean and smooth. They shall be free from harmful surface defects, inclusions and longitudinal grooving.
13  Testing
13.1  Flange and reverse flattening test Flange and reverse flattening tests shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM A269M and ASTM 1016M. 13.2  Surface measurement Measurement and inspection of the external and internal surface, including the weld zone, shall be performed with the same regularity as the flange and reverse flattening tests. Where potential defects are identified during visual inspection, additional measurement shall be undertaken to verify conformity. Testing of the external surface may be specified; refer to Appendix A.

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