
AS 1530.8.1 pdf download

AS 1530.8.1 pdf download

AS 1530.8.1 pdf download.Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures
This Standard provides methods for determining the performance of external construction elements when exposed to radiant heat, burning embers and burning debris. NOTES: 1 The methods do not simulate engulfment by flames from the fire front or large burning items such as other burning buildings or adjacent isolated trees and shrubs (see AS 1530.8.2). 2 The peak level of radiant heat exposure is dependent upon the distance of the building from the potential fire front, the fire severity and the extent of shielding. The peak level can be based on an analysis of the specific site from first principles or from the classification of the site in accordance with the simple methods specified in AS 3959. 3 The results of the fire tests may be used to directly assess fire hazard, but it should be recognized that a single test method will not provide a full assessment of fire hazard under all fire conditions. 4 The fire tests in this Standard provide data relating to the performance of the particular element and building system and do not provide a general assessment of the performance of a specific type of material.
The objective of this Standard is to provide building designers, manufacturers, test laboratories and regulatory authorities with a set of uniform requirements for heating conditions, test procedures, and criteria for the determination of the resistance to fire of a single building element or multiple building elements. This will be to a radiant heat profile simulating exposure to radiant heat from the fire front of a bushfire with additional exposure simulating ember attack to external surfaces and exposure to direct flame impingement from small secondary fires simulating burning debris.
3.1 General A representative element of construction, or combination of elements is exposed to conditions simulating exposure to radiant heat, burning debris and burning embers under controlled and repeatable conditions. Observations are made on the performance of the specimen while it is subjected to simulated exposure. The elapsed times at which various performance criteria are exceeded are recorded. The performance criteria are selected to address typical fire spread scenarios and to facilitate relatively safe movement around a property after the passage of the fire front.
3.2 Test exposure conditions
3.2.1 Burning embers Exposure to burning embers impinging on the vertical and underside of exposed horizontal surfaces is simulated by application of a small gas flame to volatiles released from combustible materials. 3.2.2 Burning debris Exposure to burning debris and the collection of burning embers on the upper surface of horizontal and near-horizontal surfaces is simulated by pre-ignited timber cribs. Four sizes of timber crib are available. The selection of size of the crib and position for application are based on the potential for debris to collect. The crib size (Class A) is representative of debris that may collect around a building with reasonable levels of housekeeping/block maintenance and is the default size unless otherwise specified by AS 3959. Class B and C cribs simulate collections of debris that are representative of larger collections of debris, which may be more appropriate for facilities and structures that are not regularly maintained or where it is expected that accumulation of debris may occur, for example, a heat shield of sacrificial structure and remote infrastructure services. The method does not apply to large volumes of combustible materials stored adjacent to the building or exposure to flames from adjacent structures. This test will identify excessive flammable elements of construction and elements susceptible to thermal shock from small flaming sources in addition to evaluating whether small fires may weaken the performance of an element of construction. If the impact of exposure to radiant heat is also being evaluated, the crib will have to be applied and exposure to the radiant heat profile commenced simultaneously.

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