
AS 1603.3 pdf download

AS 1603.3 pdf download

AS 1603.3 pdf download.Automatic fire detection and alarm systems
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 3.1 Alarm condition Audible and visual signal. 3.2 Alarm-silence facility Means of temporarily disabling or desensitizing a heat alarm. 3.3 Battery-low condition Combination of battery voltage and series resistance, which results in a fault warning. 3.4 Fault condition The existence of an actual or incipient condition that may prevent an alarm condition. 3.5 Fault warning Audible signal indicating fault condition. 3.6 Heat alarm Device containing, within one housing, all the components necessary for detecting temperature and generating an alarm condition, except possibly the power source. 3.7 Interconnectable heat alarm Heat alarm that can be interconnected with other compatible heat alarms and smoke alarms to provide a common alarm condition warning. 3.8 Least sensitive orientation Point of rotation, relative to airflow, about the vertical axis, where a detector produces the highest response time value. 3.9 Mains A.C. supply from an electricity authority. 3.10 Main power source Source of power, mains or source of equivalent quality and reliability or non-rechargeable battery intended to supply the heat alarm under all load conditions without reliance on the standby power source. 3.11 Most sensitive orientation Point of rotation, relative to airflow, about the vertical axis, where a detector produces the lowest response time value. 3.12 Non-removable power source An internal power source, main or standby, integrated or fixed within the heat alarm such that it is not intended as user-replaceable or serviceable and removal requires the disassembly of the heat alarm.3.13 Normal condition Condition in which the heat alarm is supplied with power but is not giving either an alarm condition or a fault condition, although able to give such signals if the condition arises. 3.14 Response threshold (A th ) Temperature at which the heat alarm changes to its alarm condition. 3.15 Standby power source Source of power intended to supply the heat alarm in the event that the main power source is unavailable.
4.1 General The heat alarm shall be resettable— (a) meet the requirements of this Clause (4); (b) be tested as specified in Clause 5; and (c) meet the requirements of the tests. The heat alarm shall have a recommended service life of at least 10 years under normal conditions of use. 4.2 Optional and additional functions If an optional function is included, all the corresponding requirements shall be met. Additional functions may be provided, even if not specified in this Standard. Where provided, such options shall not contradict any requirements of this Standard and, in case of a fault, shall not jeopardize any mandatory function required by this Standard. NOTE: Each optional function is included in a separate clause, with its own set of associated requirements, in order to permit heat alarms covered by this Standard to have different combinations of functions and still conform to this Standard.4.4 Alarm condition 4.4.1 Alarm condition audible indicator Signal pattern The alarm signal pattern shall be in accordance with either ISO 8201 or ISO 7731. Signal pattern level—Optional function Where this function is provided, the alarm condition aural signal pattern shall commence sounding at a level not greater than 45 dBA and rise gradually to the maximum level of not more than 105 dBA over a period of between 3 s to 12 s (see Clause 5.16). Signal pattern frequency characteristics—Optional function Where this function is provided, the signal pattern shall have a fundamental frequency of 520 Hz with odd harmonics to approximate a square wave. 4.4.2 Alarm condition visual indicator Heat alarms shall be provided with an integral visual alarm indicator, by which the individual heat alarm, when in alarm condition, can be identified. The visual alarm indicator shall be red in the alarm condition. The indicator shall flash or be continuously illuminated when the alarm condition is present. Visual alarm indicators shall not operate on interconnected heat alarms that have not reached their response threshold (A th ). This visual alarm indicator may also perform other additional functions, provided the alarm indication is distinct from any additional function. The failure of any visual alarm condition indicator shall not prevent the alarm condition.

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