
AS 1735.19 pdf download

AS 1735.19 pdf download

AS 1735.19 pdf download.Lifts, escalators and moving walks
1 Scope
This European Standard applies to alarm systems for all types of passenger and goods passenger lifts, in particular those covered in the EN 81 series. This European Standard also deals with the minimum information to be provided as part of the instruction manual related to maintenance and the rescue service. This European Standard deals with the following significant hazard relevant to lifts when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the installer/manufacturer: — entrapment of users due to the lift not working properly. This European Standard is not applicable to alarm systems intended to be used to call for help in other cases, e.g. heart attack, seeking information. This European Standard is applicable to alarm systems used for lifts manufactured and installed after the date of publication by CEN of this standard. However, this European Standard can be taken into account when applied to existing lifts. EN 81-70 gives additional requirements for persons with disabilities (e.g. inductive loop, alarm button).
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 81-20:2014, EN 13015:2001+A1:2008 and EN ISO 12100:2010 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: • IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/ • ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp 3.1 alarm status between the validation as true alarm and the end of the alarm 3.2 acknowledgement information issued by the rescue service destined for the alarm equipment in order to inform it that the alarm has been taken into account 3.3 alarm equipment part of the alarm system able to detect, identify, validate as true alarm and initiate 2-way communication Note 1 to entry: The alarm equipment is part of the lift. 3.4 end of alarm information issued by the alarm system and destined for the rescue service in order to inform it that the entrapment situation is ended 3.5 alarm initiation device device intended for users trapped in the lift installation in order to call for external assistance, exemplified in Annex A 3.6 alarm system combination of alarm initiation device(s) and alarm equipment exemplified in Annex A 3.7 human response response performed directly by a person of the rescue service via the alarm system 3.8 reception equipment equipment outside of the lift (e.g. at the rescue service) capable of handling alarm information and 2-way communication exemplified in Annex A 3.9 rescue service organization in charge of receiving alarm information and rescuing users trapped in the lift installation, exemplified in Annex A Note 1 to entry: A rescue service can be part of the maintenance organization. Note 2 to entry: See Annex B. 3.10 transmitter part of a 2-way communication system which sends voice and data to the reception equipment exemplified in Annex A 3.11 owner of the installation natural or legal person who has the power of disposal of the installation and takes the responsibility for its operation and use including rescuing from entrapment 3.12 installer legal or natural person taking responsibility to erect and commission the lift at its final location in the building including the alarm system 3.13 manufacturer of the alarm system natural or legal person who takes responsibility for the design and manufacture of the alarm system
4 Safety requirements and/or protective measures
4.1 General 4.1.1 Introduction Alarm systems shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of Clause 4. In addition, alarm systems shall be designed according to the principles of EN ISO 12100 for hazards relevant but not significant which are not dealt with by this document. 4.1.2 Alarms The alarm equipment shall ensure that subject to 4.1.6 alarm filtering, the full alarm information (see 4.1.7) will be emitted until acknowledgement, even during maintenance. If an emission fails before acknowledgement, the delay between re-emission(s) shall be reduced to the minimum compatible with the communication network. Where the characteristics of the communication network require (see EN 81-20:2014, 0.4.2 e)) and if the communication is interrupted any re-emission after acknowledgement shall not be impeded by the alarm equipment. The alarm system shall be able to accept communication from the rescue service until the end of the alarm has occurred.

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