
AS 1735.5.4 pdf download

AS 1735.5.4 pdf download

AS 1735.5.4 pdf download.Lifts, escalators and moving walks
1 Scope
This Technical Specification is a collection of interpretations related to the EN 115 series. This document collects interpretations to EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010. Interpretations to other standards of the EN 115 series will be added when they are available. Interpretations aim to improve the understanding of the clause(s) they are referring to and by that facilitating common understanding between manufacturers, lift installers, notified bodies, inspection bodies and national authorities. Interpretations do not have the same status as the European Standards to which they are related. However, the application of interpretations should give to the interested parties confidence that the relevant European Standard has not been wrongly applied.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010, Safety of escalators and moving walks — Part 1: Construction and installation EN 349, Safety of machinery — Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body EN 1991-1-1, Eurocode 1: Actions on structures — Part 1-1: General actions — Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009, Fire classification of construction products and building elements —Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests
3 Lists of interpretations
3.1 General The following lists show the valid interpretations contained in this document. 3.2 Lists of interpretations pertaining to EN 115-1 The interpretations related to EN 115-1 are listed in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 shows the list of interpretations in their numerical order. Table 2 shows the list of interpretations in order of the clauses of EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010. These interpretations are detailed in Clause 4.
1. The load and deflection requirements of shall be met up to a height of 25 mm above the line of the step nose or the tread surface of the pallets or belt where the risk of entrapment exists. Above the height of 25 mm, the force requirements of the balustrade of 500 N (see shall be fulfilled. 2. The comb plate lighting has to withstand the test load according to if the lighting or part of it is arranged within the area of skirting of 25 mm above the tread surface. All other requirements of the skirting according to 5.5.3 are still valid. This includes that under the force requirements above the skirting shall remain plain and butt-joined according to At the next revision of EN 115-1:2008+A1:2010, 5.5.3 has to be amended accordingly.Is it allowed to make an arrangement as follows: The escalator can start automatically in both directions by a user passing a light barrel depending on the direction from which the user is coming. Both directions can be predetermined directions at the same time. When the escalator has stopped after a sufficient time (, the signal lights show “green” light in both landings. However, when a user comes to the end of a running escalator by passing the “red” signal light and stays near to the comb waiting till the escalator has stopped, there is another light barrel installed in the skirting above the comb and when the user passes this light barrel, the escalator stops and can be re- started only with a key.Operation in “two direction mode” for escalators with automatic start is permitted under the following conditions: a) On escalators which can start automatically in either direction (“two direction mode”) by the entering of a user, the “two direction mode” and the momentary capable direction of travel shall be clearly visible to the user and marked distinctly on the escalator (see 7.2.2 plus “two direction mode” sign). They shall start in the direction determined by the user entering first. When the escalator is started by a user from either direction, the indicator opposite from the initiated starting side shall automatically indicate “no entry” (see 7.2.2). b) Measures for control and/or monitoring function shall prevent: – failures of the control elements actuating the automatic start at the entries (e.g. no or partly no detection of users); – a restart of the step band when a user has entered the area between the control element and the comb intersection line and the step band is stopped. c) Control and monitoring function shall be regarded as electric safety devices and shall be applied as safety switches (, fail safe circuits ( or SIL 1 according to PESSRAE ( The application of “two direction mode” is not permitted for moving walks. This will be considered in the next revision of the standard.

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