
AS 2210.2 pdf download

AS 2210.2 pdf download

AS 2210.2 pdf download.Personal protective equipment
4.1 Sampling
The minimum number of samples to be tested in order to check compliance with the requirements specified in ISO 20345, ISO 20347 and any specific job-related footwear standards [e.g. ISO 17249, Safety footwear with resistance to chain saw cutting), together with the minimum number of test pieces taken from each sample, shall be in accordance with Table 1. Wherever possible and necessary to ensure the essential safety requirements, test pieces shall be taken from the whole footwear. This paragraph is applicable to all of Table 1. NOTE 1 If it is not possible to obtain a large enough test piece from the footwear, then a sample of the material from which the component has been manufactured may be used instead. This should be noted in the test report. NOTE 2. Footwear sizes are defined in Annex C. Where samples are required from each of three sizes, these shall comprise the smallest, middle and largest size of the footwear under test [indicated as (SML) in Table 1].
4.2 Conditioning
All test pieces shall be conditioned in a standard atmosphere of [23土2]) °C and (50土5] % RH for a minimum of 48 h before testing, unless otherwise stated in the test method. The maximum time which shall elapse between removal from the conditioning atmosphere and the start of testing shall not be greater than 10 min, unless otherwise stated in the test method.
4.3 Prerequisites on the testing procedure
When several test pieces are tested, at least the worst results per size shall to be reported. Footwear shall be tested as it is intended to be used, unless otherwise specified in the test method. For instance, if there is a removable insock, it shall be left in place to perform the tests.
5.2 Determination of upper/ outsole and sole interlayer bond strength
5.2.1 Principle The force required to separate the upper from the outsole, or to separate adjacent layers of the outsole, or to cause tear failure of the upper or the sole is measured. The test is not applicable when the bond has been made by grindery (using e.g. nails or screws) or stitching. NOTE In all cases the objective should be to test the bond strength nearest to the edge of the assembly. 5.2.2 Apparatus Tensile machine, with a means of continuously recording load, with a jaw separation rate of (100士20) mm/min and a force range of0 N to 600 N. The machine shall be fitted with either pincers or flat jaws (depending on the construction of the test sample, see 5.2.4), (27,5士2,5) mm wide, capable of firmly gripping the test pieces. 5.2.3 Preparation of test pieces . Sole/upper bond strength: construction type a Take a test piece from either the inner or the outer joint region. . Make cuts at X-X and Y-Y at right angles to the edge of the sole, insole or outsole to produce a test piece about 25 mm wide. The length of the upper and sole shall be about 15 mm measured from the feather line (see Figure 3). Remove the insole. NOTE See Figure 2. Sole/upper bond strength: construction types b, C, d and e . Take a test piece from either the inner or outer joint region. Cut the upper and sole at X-X and Y-Y to produce a test piece with a width of about 10 mm and a length of not less than 50 mm. Remove the insole. Separate the upper from the sole for a length of about 10 mm by inserting a hot knife in the adhesive layer (see Figure 4). It is considered that a construction is C or d when the distance from X-X to the upper face of the insole is atleast8mm. NOTE See Figure 2. Interlayer bond strength: construction types fand g Take a test piece from either the inner or the outer joint region. Remove the upper by cutting along the feather line at X-X. Remove the insole if present. Cut a strip parallel to and including the sole edge at Y-Y to produce a test piece about 15 mm wide and at least 50 mm long. Separate the sole layers for a length of about 10 mm by inserting a hot knife into the adhesive layer (see Figure 4).

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