
AS 2773 pdf download

AS 2773 pdf download

AS 2773 pdf download.Ultrasonic cleaners for health service organisations
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for ultrasonic cleaners which are intended to clean reusable medical and surgical equipment used in health service organisations. NOTE 1  Some ultrasonic cleaners are specifically designed for the cleaning of cannulated equipment. Where the machine is to be used to clean fibre optics or other specialized equipment, the manufacturer of that equipment should be consulted for advice as to its suitability for the ultrasonic cleaning process. NOTE 2  Ultrasonic cleaners may be incorporated into a system that includes a rinsing stage and a drying stage. NOTE 3  Guidance on information that should be supplied with enquiries and orders is given in Appendix A. NOTE 4  Guidance on the use of ultrasonic cleaners is given in Appendix B.
1.2  Innovation
This Standard does not prevent the use of materials, methods of assembly, procedures and the like that do not conform to the specific requirements of this Standard, or are not mentioned in it, provided the minimum dimensional and performance requirements specified herein are met.
1.4  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the definitions given in AS/NZS 4187 and those below apply.1.4.1 cavitation phenomenon associated with the passage of an ultrasonic acoustic wave through a fluid in which bubbles of gas are generated, become unstable and then implode Note 1 to entry: This phenomenon concentrates energy at the site of each gas bubble implosion and causes the cleaning effect. It is thought that temperatures of more than 5 000 °C and pressures of more than 70 000 kPa can be generated at the site of each gas bubble implosion. 1.4.2 cleaning removal of contaminants to the extent necessary for further processing or for intended use [SOURCE: ISO 11139:2018, 3.46] 1.4.3 competent person person who has acquired, through education, training, qualification or experience or a combination of these, the knowledge and skill enabling that person to perform the task required 1.4.4 lumen cavity or space within a tubular device Note 1 to entry: For example, a suction or laparoscopic instrument. 1.4.5 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.6 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.4.7 should indicates a recommendation
2.1  General Unless otherwise specified herein, materials and equipment shall conform to any relevant Australian Standards and be suitable for continuous use under every intended operating condition. 2.2  Framework Where an internal frame is provided, the framework shall be of a stainless steel that meets the requirements in Clause 2.7. 2.3  Manifolds, ports and tank fittings In cleaning tanks and rinsing tanks, fittings shall be of stainless steel or of materials demonstrated to be equivalent in suitability of purpose and durability. 2.4  Pipework and pipe fittings Pipework and pipe fittings shall be of stainless steel, zinc‑free brass, copper or suitable plastic, or of materials demonstrated to be equivalent in suitability of purpose and durability. NOTE  If water generated by reverse osmosis (RO) is intended to be used in an ultrasonic cleaner, then its relatively low pH can lead to in an increased risk of corrosion of copper pipework and fittings. 2.5  Valves Valves shall be of non‑ferrous metal, stainless steel or suitable plastic material. 2.6  Pumps Pumps shall be of corrosion-resistant materials that are suitable for the conditions of use.
3.1  Types Ultrasonic cleaners shall be one of the following: (a) Integrated into a washer‑disinfector (for these ultrasonic cleaners, refer to ISO 15883 series). (b) Built into bench system. (c) Fixed console. (d) Mobile. 3.2  Accessibility Ultrasonic cleaners shall be accessible for installation, servicing and repairing. Accessibility for maintenance and cleaning shall not present a health and safety risk to the person performing the tasks. For ultrasonic cleaners with an operational mass of more than 10 kg, a clearance underneath of not less than 100 mm shall be provided. 3.3  Supports Built into bench and fixed console ultrasonic cleaners shall be mounted in a manner that enables height adjustment, or a fixed height at no greater than 900 mm. Mobile ultrasonic cleaners shall be mounted on swivel castors with brakes or other devices to anchor the machine during use. 3.4  External panels External panels and surfaces shall be accessible for cleaning and able to be removed for maintenance purposes. External panels and surfaces shall be free from scratches, blemishes, burrs and sharp edges. Provision shall be made to allow for cleaning underneath the ultrasonic cleaners. For ultrasonic cleaners with an operational mass of less than 10 kg, handles or recessed hand holds shall be provided for moving the cleaner. Where any panel is constructed from more than one section, visible joints shall be flush.

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