
AS 2862.1 pdf download

AS 2862.1 pdf download

AS 2862.1 pdf download.Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates — Sampling
1  Scope
This document sets out the basic methods for sampling copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates from moving streams and stationary lots, including stopped-belt sampling, to provide samples for chemical analysis, physical testing and determination of moisture content, in accordance with the relevant International Standards. Where the concentrates are susceptible to significant oxidation or decomposition, a common sample that is sufficiently representative, i.e. unbiased and sufficiently precise, is used for moisture determination and chemical analysis to eliminate bias (see ISO 10251). Any large agglomerates (>10 mm) present in the primary sample are crushed prior to further sample processing. Sampling of concentrates in slurry form is specifically excluded from this document. Stopped-belt sampling is the reference method for collecting concentrate samples against which mechanical and manual-sampling procedures can be compared. Sampling from moving streams is the preferred method. Both falling-stream and cross-belt samplers are described. Sampling from stationary lots is used only where sampling from moving streams is not possible. The procedures described in this document for sampling from stationary lots only minimize some of the systematic sampling errors.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .org/ obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/ 3.1 representative sample quantity of concentrate representing a larger mass of concentrate with both precision (3.29) and bias (3.28) within acceptable limits 3.2 lot quantity of concentrate to be sampled 3.3 lot sample quantity of concentrate representative of the lot (3.2) 3.4 sub-lot subdivided parts of a lot (3.2) which are processed separately, each of them producing a subsample (3.5) which is analysed separately, for example for moisture determination 3.5 subsample quantity of concentrate representative of the sub-lot (3.4) 3.6 sampling sequence of operations aimed at obtaining a sample representative of a lot (3.2) Note 1 to entry: It comprises a series of sampling stages, each stage usually comprising operations of selection and preparation. 3.7 selection operation by which a smaller quantity of concentrate is taken from a larger quantity of concentrate 3.8 increment quantity of concentrate selected by a sampling device in one operation 3.9 division operation of decreasing sample mass, without change of particle size, where a representative part of the sample is retained 3.10 constant-mass division method of division (3.9) in which the retained portions from individual increments (3.8) or subsamples (3.5) are of uniform mass 3.11 proportional division method of division (3.9) in which the retained portions from individual increments (3.8) or subsamples (3.5) are a constant proportion of their original mass 3.12 preparation nonselective operation without division (3.9) such as sample transfer, drying, comminution or homogenization 3.13 sample processing whole sequence of selection and preparation operations which transforms a stage i sample (3.15) into a test sample (3.19) 3.14 comminution operation of reducing particle size by crushing, grinding or pulverisation 3.15 stage i sample sample obtained at the ith stage of the sampling scheme 3.16 moisture sample representative quantity of concentrate from which test portions (3.20) are taken for moisture determination Note 1 to entry: Alternatively, the whole moisture sample may be dried to determine its moisture content. 3.17 laboratory sample sample that is processed so that it can be sent to the laboratory and used for further processing and selection of one or more test samples (3.19) for analysis 3.18 common sample representative quantity of concentrate which is dried to determine its mass loss and subsequently used for further processing and selection of one or more test samples (3.19) for chemical analysis 3.19 test sample representative quantity of concentrate obtained from a laboratory sample (3.17) when additional preparation, such as drying or hygroscopic moisture determination, is needed prior to the selection of one or more test portions (3.20) 3.20 test portion representative quantity of concentrate taken from a moisture sample (3.16), a laboratory sample (3.17) or a test sample (3.19) which is submitted to moisture determination or analysis in its entirety

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