
AS 2890.2 pdf download

AS 2890.2 pdf download

AS 2890.2 pdf download.Parking facilities
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies minimum requirements for the layout of off-street facilities for the loading and unloading of commercial vehicles, including design requirements for access driveways across the property boundary and for internal circulation roadways. It provides for a variety of standard design vehicle sizes and configurations. NOTE  State and local government regulations, by-laws or other statutes may impose requirements and constraints on the development of facilities which are additional to those specified in this Standard.
1.2  Objective
The objective of this Standard is to provide designers of commercial vehicle docking facilities and off- street manoeuvring areas with a set of uniform standards and recommended designs practices.
1.3  Normative references
The following document is referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of its content constitutes requirements of this document. NOTE  Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography. AS/NZS 2890.1, Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking
1.4  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 1.4.1 access driveway driveway extending from the edge of a public roadway to the property boundary to connect with the service area or circulation roadway 1.4.2 apron manoeuvring area in front of the loading dock excluding the service bay 1.4.3 circulation roadway roadway which links the access driveway with the service area 1.4.4 clearance height minimum height for which a structure should be designed to accommodate the design vehicle Note 1 to entry: Maximum allowable vehicle heights are generally 0.2 m less than this height.1.4.5 design vehicle for each nominated class of vehicle, the dimensional configuration which represents the characteristics which will encompass the greater number (nominally 99 %) of the vehicles in the national fleet in that class 1.4.6 entry angle angle through which a design vehicle turns during the forward manoeuvre before commencing the reverse manoeuvre into the service bay 1.4.7 loading dock specific area set aside for loading and unloading a commercial vehicle generally allowing the operation to be carried out from a raised platform to which the vehicle is backed Note 1 to entry: Loading and unloading can, however, take place from the side or from ground level. 1.4.8 lock-to-lock time time it takes to steer from full lock in one direction to full lock in the opposite direction 1.4.9 major road road carrying predominantly through traffic, generally either a two-way roadway of generally more than 12 m between kerbs, or a divided road 1.4.10 major service area service area regularly serviced by heavy rigid or articulated vehicles or both and having more than one bay of which some may be designed for smaller service vehicles 1.4.11 manoeuvring area area between the access driveway or circulation roadway and service bays in which service vehicles manoeuvre into and out of the service bays 1.4.12 may indicates the existence of an option 1.4.13 minor road cul-de-sac or a road carrying predominantly local traffic 1.4.14 minor service area service area occasionally served by heavy rigid vehicles or with provision for not more than a total of ten medium rigid and smaller commercial vehicles 1.4.15 multi-unit combination vehicle B-double, A-double, A-triple or equivalent vehicle combination 1.4.16 occasional service service by a nominated design vehicle less than once per day 1.4.17 regular service service by nominated design vehicle at least once per day1.4.18 service area area in a development set aside for the manoeuvring, parking and loading or unloading of commercial vehicles for the delivery or removal of goods, freight or waste 1.4.19 service bay designated space clear of the apron to accommodate a commercial vehicle parked at a loading dock 1.4.20 shall indicates that a statement is mandatory 1.4.21 should indicates a recommendation 1.4.22 swept circle diameter of the circle which is traced by the outermost extremity of the body work of a vehicle turning on full lock 1.4.23 swept path area which is traced by the extremities of the bodywork of a vehicle while turning 1.4.24 turning circle diameter of the circle traced by the outside edge of the outermost front wheel of a vehicle turning on full lock 1.4.25 turning radius (design turning radius) radius of the arc of a circle traced by the outside edge of the outermost front wheel of a vehicle turning on a nominated constant radius (a design vehicle turning on full lock) Note 1 to entry: The design turning radius is equivalent to half the turning circle of the design vehicle.

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