
AS 3533.4.1 pdf download

AS 3533.4.1 pdf download

AS 3533.4.1 pdf download.Amusement rides and devices
This Standard sets out requirements and guidance for the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of land-borne inflatable amusement devices that are static when in use. It also specifies information to be supplied with the equipment. NOTE: This Standard is not applicable to inflatable toys, water-borne inflatable devices, air-supported buildings to which the National Construction Code would apply, inflatable devices used for protection rather than play or inflatable devices acting as artificial climbing structures involving belay systems.
This Standard is intended to be used in conjunction with AS 3533.1 and AS 3533.2, which provide requirements and recommendations on matters common to all amusement rides and devices. Specific requirements in this Standard take precedence over corresponding requirements in AS 3533.1 and AS 3533.2. If the requirements of any part of this Standard conflict with any national, state or territory regulations, the appropriate statutory regulations shall apply. This Standard does not prevent the use of materials, methods of assembly, procedures and the like that do not conform with the specific requirements of this Standard, or are not mentioned in it, provided the minimum dimensional and performance requirements specified herein are met.
For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 4.1 Acceleration pulse A non-oscillatory acceleration of a short duration. 4.2 Accelerometer A transducer (sensor) that has an electrical output proportional to acceleration for a specified axis and frequency range. NOTE: Piezoelectric crystals are most commonly used to produce the output. 4.3 Blower A powered fan used to inflate the device. 4.4 Blow tube The part of the inflatable device to which the blower is connected for the purpose of inflation. 4.5 Competent person A person who has acquired, through education, training, qualification or experience or a combination of these, the knowledge and skill enabling that person to perform the task required. 4.6 Critical fall height The upper limit of all free heights of fall, for which the surface provides adequate levels of impact attenuation. 4.7 Free height of fall The greatest distance from the clearly intended body support, when measured in the unloaded but inflated state, to the impact area below, minus 5%. NOTE: This 5% takes into account the lowering of the body support under load. 4.8 g The acceleration due to the earth’s gravity at sea level surface. NOTES: 1 It varies with the latitude and elevation of the observer. 2 By international agreement, the value 9.80665 m/s 2 is the nominal international standard acceleration due to gravity.4.9 g max The maximum acceleration experienced during the impact test. 4.10 Head injury criteria (HIC) A measure of impact severity that considers the duration over which the most critical section of the acceleration pulse persists as well as the peak level of that acceleration. 4.11 Inflatable structure or device (continuously blown) A structure or device relying on a continuous supply of air pressure to maintain its shape, on or in which patrons may play. 4.12 Inflatable structure or device (sealed) A structure or device that is inflated by means of air supply and, having achieved the design pressure, is sealed with a bung or stopper and does not require continuous inflation, on or in which patrons may play. 4.13 Open side Any external side of an inflatable with no containment wall. 4.14 Platform Any surface on which a patron may stand or traverse. 4.15 Playing area Any part or area of the device that is used by patrons solely for the purpose of taking part in the activity for which the device is designed. 4.16 Ramp An inclined section aiding the access and egress of patrons into and out of the playing area of the inflatable, making the transition between the height of the playing area and the ground. 4.17 Step A section of intermediate height aiding the access and egress of patrons into and out of the playing area of the inflatable, making the transition between the height of the playing area and the ground. 4.18 Tri-axial accelerometer An accelerometer used to measure the components of acceleration relative to three orthogonal spatial axes.

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