
AS 3668 pdf download

AS 3668 pdf download

AS 3668 pdf download.Flexible intermediate bulk containers — Non‑dangerous goods
1  Scope
This Standard specifies material, construction and design requirements, together with type tests and type test performance requirements for single-trip and multi-trip intermediate bulk containers manufactured from flexible materials to contain non-dangerous solid materials in powder or granular form, and designed to be lifted from above. This Standard takes no account of the particular requirements relating to materials, construction and performance that would need to be applied to intermediate bulk containers used for the conveyance and storage of substances deemed dangerous in legislation relating to dangerous goods. NOTE  Guidance to users on selection and use of containers is given in Appendix A.
3  Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard the definitions below apply. 3.1 competent person person who has acquired, through education, training, qualification or experience or a combination of these, the knowledge and skill enabling that person to perform the task required 3.2 flexible intermediate bulk container bulk bags FIBC container manufactured from flexible materials having a capacity of not more than 3 m 3 and designed to be lifted from above multiple times Note 1 to entry: For further information on FIBC lifting and filling, refer to AFIBCA Code of Practice for Supply and Use of FIBCs. Section 7(c) . 3.3 FIBC, single-trip FIBC to be used for one filling and one discharge only Note 1 to entry: An FBIC of this category cannot be reused.3.4 FIBC, multi-trip FIBC designed to be used for more than one filling and discharge Note 1 to entry: An FIBC of this category cannot be reused if damaged. 3.5 FIBC type FIBCs of like design, manufactured using like materials and methods of construction (giving at least equal performance, to the same nominal cross-sectional dimensions Note 1 to entry: Within a type, the design circumference dimension may be increased by 10 % by comparison with samples passing the type test, provided the same geometry is maintained. Where the FIBC type has a base- fitted discharge spout, a reduction of discharge spout diameter of the same design is permitted. Note 2 to entry: The presence or absence of an inner liner does not constitute a change of type. Note 3 to entry: Change of ultraviolet inhibitor, or the addition of anti-static agent, or the addition or change of pigment to a maximum of 3 % by mass, does not constitute a change of type. 3.6 working load limit WLL DEPRECATED: safe working load maximum load which the FIBC may carry in service 3.7 type test test or series of tests conducted to determine whether the FIBC type meets the requirements of this Standard
4  Materials, design and construction requirements
4.1  Materials FIBCs may be manufactured from a considerable variety of sheet and woven materials. The properties of the selected materials may be further modified by suitable additives, e.g. to improve the exposure life and strength and to reduce the effect of static electricity. All materials of construction shall, after complete immersion in water for not less than 24 h, retain at least 85 % of the tensile strength measured after conditioning to equilibrium at 67 % relative humidity or less. The tensile strength should be measured by the method of test appropriate to the material used. NOTE  For example, ISO 13934-1 specifies tensile strength test requirements for tensile properties, seam tensile properties, tear properties and seam slippage for textile fabrics. All load-bearing materials of the FIBC shall after being tested in accordance with the test described in Clause 4.5, retain at least 50 % of the original values for breaking force and elongation of the materials. The use of like materials in the manufacture of FIBCs is recommended to promote recyclability. 4.2  Design The FIBC shall be designed so that the maximum design height of fill shall not exceed the minimum base width or diameter by more than the ratio of 2:1. NOTE  Inner liners may be provided.

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