
AS 4024.3201 pdf download

AS 4024.3201 pdf download

AS 4024.3201 pdf download.Safety of machinery
1 Scope
This European Standard covers essential health and safety requirements for the design of blow moulding machines for the processing of plastics. The significant hazards inherent in blow moulding machines are listed in Clause 4. This European Standard does not cover dip blow moulding machines. This European Standard does not cover hazards due to the use of fluorine or other toxic fluids. The safety requirements for the interaction between blow moulding machines and ancillary equipment are stipulated. The technical safety requirements for the design of this equipment are not covered. This European Standard does not cover the requirements for the design of the exhaust system. The European Standard does not cover noise hazards. This European Standard is not applicable to blow moulding machines which are manufactured before the date of its publication as an EN. A transition period until 29 December 2009 is foreseen during which the manufacturer may choose to apply either this or the previous version of the standard.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 blow moulding machine machine which expands a parison or preform to make a hollow article using fluid under pressure blown into a fixed or moving blow mould 3.2 area of movement of the moulds area in which the moulds move, close or open, also including the actuating equipment 3.3 feed area area of the extrusion head or of the injection nozzle or of the preform feeding device 3.4 cutting device apparatus which cuts the parison at the exit of the extrusion head 3.5 blowing station part of the machine in which the hollow articles are blown and stretched as appropriate and where the container aperture may be calibrated 3.6 delivery station part of the machine in which the blown parts are withdrawn from the blow mould and removed from the machine 3.7 cooling station part of the machine in which the blown parts are cooled after being withdrawn from the blow mould 3.8 finishing station part of the machine in which excess material is removed from the blown part 3.9 heating station part of the machine in which the temperature of the preform is adjusted before blowing 3.10 automatic machine machine where unloading (and/or loading) is achieved only without manual intervention 3.11 semi automatic machine machine where unloading (and/or loading) is achieved only with manual intervention or machine with a mode selector switch for selecting automatic or non automatic operation
4 List of significant hazards
4.1 General hazards Crushing, shearing or impact due to the whiplash of flexible hoses under pressure in normal operation or in case of rupture or disconnection, see 5.1.4. Injury by impact of ejected fluids or hot plastic materials, see Injury by injection under the skin of very high pressure cooling fluids, see 5.1.4. Puncture by the blowing needles, see 5.2.1. Crushing, shearing or impact due to movements associated with hydraulic and pneumatic accumulators, see 5.1.4. Crushing, shearing or impact due to movements of power operated guards, see and 5.3.1. Crushing, shearing or impact due to movements of parts of the machine by gravity, see 5.1.6 and 5.1.12. Electric shock or burns due to direct or indirect contact with live conductive parts, see 5.1.7. Malfunction of the control circuits due to electromagnetic interference with the electrical equipment, see 5.1.7. Burns and/or scalds (see 5.1.8) due to very high or low temperatures of: surfaces; . – the connecting hoses of the temperature control unit; – fluid leakage; moulds, heating elements, plasticised material e.g. in injection blow moulding machines if the material is injected into incompletely closed moulds; extrusion head or injection nozzle, parison, ejected plastic material or gas (in the case of decomposition); – cutting device; -blowing gas, blowing needles or mandrels; parts accessible through the delivery aperture; – – hot conditioning fluid blown onto or into the preforms or parisons; – cooling fluid; heating apparatus and surrounding parts; preforms or parisons. Contact with, or inhalation of, harmful substances (see 5.1.9) that may be released from: . the blowing gas; – the cooling and conditioning fluids; or the processed plastic and the blown part when the mould is not completely closed (before blowing) or when the mould opens (after blowing). Fire due to ignition of the plastic material when a hot cutting device is used, see 5.1.10.

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