
AS 4439.3 pdf download

AS 4439.3 pdf download

AS 4439.3 pdf download.Wastes, sediments and contaminated soils
1 Scope
This Standard provides a method for the preparation of leachates from liquid and solid wastes, sediments, sludges and soils for assessing the potential of non-volatile inorganic and semi-volatile organic contamination of groundwater, in a variety of disposal-to-land scenarios. This Standard deals only with the preparation of the leachate. This Standard excludes procedures prior to submitting samples to the laboratory for analysis or sub-sampling. The range of analyte compounds includes those compounds with a vapour pressure <10 Pa at 20 °C and with a boiling point greater than 150。C at one standard atmosphere. NOTE A list of analyte compounds is given in Appendix A. The procedure is not applicable to encapsulated wastes which cannot be reduced to the specified maximum particle size without breaking the integrity of encapsulation. The pH and the oxidation-reduction (redox) potential, or Eh, of a leaching fluid may vary with each disposal environment and is known to affect the leaching of metals and possibly some organic species. No provision is made in this procedure, however, to control pH and Eh during leaching.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 blank test test performed without sample in the same manner as, and parallel with, a test using an analytical sample [SOURCE: ISO 11323:2010, 8.13] 3.2 laboratory sample sample as received by the laboratory from the field and intended for inspection or testing 3.3 leaching fluid solution produced in the laboratory to be used for the leaching of the test sample 3.4 may indicates the existence of an option 3.5 percentage solids amount of a test portion remaining after all liquids have been expelled by pressure filtration under a pressure of 350 kPa, expressed as a percentage 3.6 sample one or more items taken from a lot and intended to provide information about the lot and, possibly, to serve as the basis for a decision on the lot or on the process which has produced it 3.7 sample liquid liquid which is separated from a test sample by pressure filtration 3.8 shall . indicates that a statement is mandatory 3.9 should indicates a recommendation 3.10 solidsI leachate liquid produced by treatment of the solids with the leaching fluid and subsequent filtration 3.11 test portion quantity of material taken from the test sample (or, if both are the same, from the laboratory sample) and on which the test or observation is actually carried out 3.12 test sample sample prepared from the laboratory sample and from which test portions will be taken
4 Principle
The percentage solids are typically determined by pressure filtering a weighed portion and weighing the extracted sample liquid. A second test portion is subjected to pressure filtration and the sample liquid collected and stored. The solids remaining are reduced in particle size if necessary and leached by agitation with a selected leaching fluid. The solids leachate is recovered by pressure filtration through a glass fibre filter with 0.6 μm to 0.8 μm effective pore size. The sample liquid and solids leachate are then analysed by appropriate test methods.
5 Reagents
5.1 General requirement Unless otherwise specified, all reagents shall be of analytical reagent grade. All containers shall meet the requirements of Clause 6.1. . 5.2 Reagent water Water of laboratory Grade 1 in accordance with ISO 3696 shall be used. 5.3 Leaching fluid . 5.3.1 General The leaching fluid shall be tested immediately before use to ensure conformity to the specified pH value. Leaching fluids not prepared immediately prior to use shall also be examined for indication of contamination or deterioration. In the presence of microbial growth, colouration, solid or suspended matter, the solution shall be discarded and fresh leaching fluid prepared.

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