
AS 4670 pdf download

AS 4670 pdf download

AS 4670 pdf download.Commercial propane and commercial butane for heating purposes
1  Scope and general
1.1  Scope This Standard specifies requirements for liquefied petroleum gas (LP Gas) products in the liquid phase as supplied for general domestic and industrial fuel purposes, in bulk and into cylinders. The requirements apply to the liquid phase at the point of custody transfer. This Standard does not include requirements for storage or handling of LP Gas. These are covered in AS/NZS 1596. NOTE  The composition of the vapour phase is considered to be a direct consequence of the composition of the liquid phase. 1.2  Application Product complying with this Standard is safe for heating purposes but is not necessarily fit for purposes in other applications. This Standard is not intended to apply to LP Gas for supply as a process feedstock, but may provide a basis for such a specification.1.4  Definitions For the purposes of this Standard the definitions below apply. 1.4.1 commercial butane A hydrocarbon product with a composition that is predominantly butane isomers with some butene isomers and that contains minor quantities of propane, propene, pentane isomers and pentene isomers. 1.4.2 commercial propane A hydrocarbon product with a composition comprising predominantly propane with propene and that contains minor quantities of ethane, ethene, butane isomers and butene isomers. Note 1 to entry: Propene is commonly called propylene. 1.4.3 higher heating value The amount of energy, in MJ/m 3 , released when one cubic metre of dry gas, at metric standard conditions, is completely burnt in air with the products of combustion brought to metric standard conditions, with the water produced by combustion being condensed to the liquid state. Note 1 to entry: Higher heating value is also known as ‘gross heating value’ or ‘superior heating value’. 1.4.4 metric standard conditions (MSC) An absolute temperature of 288.15 K (15°C) and an absolute pressure of 101.325 kPa. 1.4.5 relative density The ratio of the mass of a volume of a gas to the mass of the same volume of dry air under metric standard conditions. Note 1 to entry: Calculation of relative density is based on ISO 6976. 1.4.6 total sulfur The combination of sulfur from all sources including odorization of the gas. 1.4.7 Wobbe Index The primary indicator of the interchangeability of fuel gases, used to compare the combustion energy output with the different composition of fuel gases. The Wobbe Index is expressed as a number, in MJ/m 3 , produced when the higher heating value of the gas is divided by the square root of the relative density of that same gas.
2  Requirements
2.1  Contaminants Commercial propane and commercial butane shall not contain any foreign matter that is likely to affect the performance or condition of downstream equipment or appliances; or pose a hazard to the health of the end user or operator beyond that normally associated with the use of LP Gas. 2.2  Sampling For all test methods, sampling shall be carried out from the liquid phase in accordance with the procedure described for liquefied gases in ISO 4257.
3  Specification
NOTE  Guidance on health and safety in handling the liquid product is given in Appendix A. 3.1  Requirements When determined in accordance with the test methods given in Table 1, the properties of commercial propane or commercial butane shall be in accordance with the limiting requirements given in that table.NOTE 2  Residue on evaporation — This is a measurement of the concentration of materials present in the product which are substantially less volatile than propane and butane. The method specified in JLPGA-S-03 is applied at a temperature of 105°C. NOTE 3  Total sulfur — It is acceptable to make relevant measurements at an earlier stage and to allow for the sulfur content of odorant to be added subsequently. NOTE 4  Free water test — The free water test applies to commercial butane. The presence of water in a pressure hydrometer is obvious to the eye unless the product has been recently agitated. The sample complies if no free water is detectable by visual inspection. While no method has been specified for this test, visual inspection using the hydrometer specified in ISO 3993 is considered suitable.

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