
AS 4722 pdf download

AS 4722 pdf download

AS 4722 pdf download.Passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors
For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions below apply. 3.1 Competent person A person who has acquired through training, qualifications or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform a specified task. 3.2 Counterweight rope A rope that is used to impart tension to a ropeway system, and which is usually static and does not form part of the main hauling rope for the ropeway system. NOTE: CSA Z98-14 refers to a tension rope as a counterweight rope. 3.3 Loading conveyor A device where passengers boarding a circulating ropeway are transported while standing on a flexible moving element in a manner that aids coupling with the carriers of the ropeway. 3.4 Passenger conveyor A device where passengers are transported, while standing, for recreational purposes on a flexible moving element, excluding devices used as loading conveyors.3.5 Passenger ropeway A powered ropeway used for transporting, in a horizontal or inclined plane, passengers moved by carriers that are— (a) attached to or supported by a moving rope; or (b) attached to a moving rope but supported by a standing rope, or other overhead structure. NOTES: 1 The term includes the prime mover and any transmission machinery, supporting structure and equipment. It does not include equipment such as cog railways, cablecars running on rails, equipment such as flying foxes, or elevating systems for vehicles or boat-style carriers associated with amusement rides such as log or boat flume rides. 2 This Standard uses the terms ‘rope’ and ‘ropeway’ in preference to the terms ‘cable’ and ‘cableway’.
3 Commentary: The term ‘designer’ should be interpreted in context; for example, in Clause 4.2.1 the term may refer to the designer of the alteration rather than the original designer of the ropeway. When applying CSA Z98-14, it should be noted that the term ‘drive’ is used for the motor alone, whereas in Australia the term is usually used to refer to the prime mover (motor or engine) and associated drive train components such as the gearbox. ‘Drive’ may also be used to indicate the electric motor controller, such as a VFD, in Australia. The term ‘engineer’ is used in CSA Z98-14; the term ‘competent person’ should be substituted for Australian applications. 4.3.1 Add the following: (r) lightning risk.Commentary: In considering the list of aspects in Clause 4.3.1, the effect of each on operational aspects of the ropeway should be considered, such as— (a) exposure of passengers to adverse climatic conditions; (b) ground access for inspection, maintenance and evacuation; and (c) corrosive environments. 4.3.2 Replace Clause 4.3.2, including the heading, with the following: Overhead and underground systems Clearances between ropeways and overhead or underground electricity supply systems or communications systems shall be determined prior to construction, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the authority having control of the system. The following circumstances shall be taken into account: (a) Failure of a conductor or any part of an overhead system (such as overturning at the ground line). (b) Deropement resulting in the haul rope not being retained (by sheaves or catcher devices) on one or a number of towers for which the resulting sag (vertical deflection) would approach the overhead system under loading variations, acceleration and braking. (c) The loss of support or hold down of a haul rope from one or other of the two towers on either side of the overhead system. (d) The most adverse static loading conditions. (e) The most adverse dynamic conditions, including adverse loading, temperatures, rope stretch, tolerances, acceleration, and braking, taken as— (i) for track ropes, maximum static sag plus 10%; (ii) for haul ropes, maximum static sag plus 20%; and (iii) for haul rope throw over, maximum unsupported sag plus 30%. Add the following after the first paragraph: In addition, AS/NZS 1170 (series), AS 4100, AS 3990, AS 1657, AS/NZS 1768, AS 4291 and AS/NZS 1891.4 shall be consulted, if relevant. 4.5.1 Delete the text of Clause

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