
AS 5330 pdf download

AS 5330 pdf download

AS 5330 pdf download.Drying cabinets for reusable medical devices
1.1  Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for drying cabinets intended for use in hospitals and other facilities for the drying of reusable medical devices (RMDs) and medical equipment. This Standard does not specify requirements for drying cabinets for thermolabile flexible endoscopes (refer to EN 16442, Controlled environment storage cabinet for processed thermolabile endoscopes). NOTE 1  Where the drying cabinet is to be used for the drying of thermolabile materials or for delicate RMDs and medical equipment liable to be damaged by excessive heat, it may be necessary to select electrical heating with an inherently faster response to an over-temperature controller, rather than a steam or hot-water-heated drying cabinet, which may not cool sufficiently quickly to avoid damaging such materials or equipment. NOTE 2  Guidance on information to be supplied with enquiries and orders is given in Appendix A.
1.2  Innovation
This Standard does not prevent the use of materials, methods of assembly, procedures and the like, that do not match with the specific requirements of this Standard, or are not mentioned in it, provided the minimum dimensional and performance requirements specified in this Standard are met.
1.4  General
The materials used in the construction of the drying cabinet shall be suitable for continuous use under the full range of operating conditions. Components subjected to heat shall be able to operate at a temperature of 100 °C. NOTE  During material selection, consideration should be given to the compatibility of construction materials in contact with each other e.g. two different materials may cause unintended galvanic corrosion.
1.5  Framework
Where a fixed frame is provided it shall be constructed of stainless steel or other suitable material that is corrosion resistant.Adjustable support brackets, adjustable feet, and levelling bolts fitted to the framework shall be of stainless steel or other suitable material that is corrosion resistant.
1.6  External panels
Panels that are either external, built-in or otherwise not visible, shall be constructed of stainless steel or other suitable material that is corrosion resistant and impervious to moisture.
1.7  Doors and chambers
Doors shall be provided with a catch to keep the doors closed and the chamber airtight. If the system is a pass through, a mechanism shall be put in place to prevent both doors being opened at the same time. Doors shall be sliding, or hinged to open outwards. Doors shall be capable of being placed in a fully open or fully closed position, and remain in that position once placed. Doors may be fitted with glass viewing panels. Welded sheets used in the construction of the drying cabinet shall not be buckled. Internal welded joints of the chamber shall be smooth, without sharp corners. The chamber walls and floor shall be concave to prevent liquid draining or spilling through the cabinet door.
1.8  Gaskets
There shall be one gasket for each door. The gasket shall be designed to produce a cushion effect and to ensure an airtight seal when the door is closed. The gasket shall be mechanically secured and replaceable. Under operating conditions, gaskets shall not release toxic products and shall fully seal the joint. Door gaskets shall be manufactured from a material suitable for the temperature(s) of operation.
1.9  Air filter
A filter shall be provided to filter incoming air before it enters the chamber for the removal of coarse contaminants such as dust, fluff, lint, and other particulates. It shall be a dry, washable media type filter conforming with AS 1324.1. The filter shall be accessible and removable for cleaning or replacement.
1.10  Vent
A vent shall be provided for the escape of hot, moist air. It shall be at least 100 mm diameter or an equivalent cross-sectional area. The vent shall be suitable for connection to an exhaust system. A circulating fan shall be provided, which shall be balanced and removable to allow for cleaning and maintenance of the impeller and the interior of the fan casing.

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