
AS 62052.11 pdf download

AS 62052.11 pdf download

AS 62052.11 pdf download.Electricity metering equipment (ac)— General requirements, tests and test conditions
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62052 covers type tests for electricity metering equipment for indoor and outdoor application and applies to newly manufactured equipment designed to measure the electrical energy on 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks, with a voltage up to 600 V. It applies to electromechanical or static meters for indoor and outdoor application consisting of a measuring element and register(s) enclosed together in a meter case. It also applies to operation indicator(s) and test output(s). If the meter has a measuring element for more than one type of energy (multi-energy meters), or when other functional elements, such as maximum demand indicators, electronic tariff registers, time switches, ripple control receivers, data communication interfaces, etc. are enclosed in the meter case, then the relevant standards for these elements apply. It does not apply to: a) portable meters; b) data interfaces to the register of the meter; c) reference meters. For rack-mounted meters, the mechanical properties are not covered in this standard.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. Expression of the performance of electrical and electronic measuring equipment has been taken from IEC 60359. Where there is a difference between the definitions in the glossary and those contained in product standards produced by TC 1 3, then the latter shall take precedence in applications of the relevant standard. 3.1 General definitions 3.1 .1 electromechanical meter meter in which currents in fixed coils react with the currents induced in the conducting moving element, generally (a) disk(s), which causes their movement proportional to the energy to be measured 3.1 .2 static meter meter in which current and voltage act on solid state (electronic) elements to produce an output proportional to the energy to be measured 3.1 .3 watt-hour meter instrument intended to measure active energy by integrating active power with respect to time [IEV 301 -06-01 ] 3.1.4 var-hour meter instrument intended to measure reactive energy by integrating reactive power with respect to time 3.1 .5 reactive power (var) reactive power for sinusoidal waveforms of any single frequency in a single phase circuit is defined as the product of the r.m.s. values of current and voltage and the sine of the phase angle between them. NOTE Standards for reactive power apply for sinusoidal currents and voltages containing the fundamental frequency only. 3.1.6 reactive energy (var-hour) reactive energy in a single-phase circuit the reactive energy in a single-phase circuit is the time integral of the reactive power as defined under 3.1 .5 reactive energy in a polyphase circuit the algebraic sum of the reactive energies of the phases NOTE The specification is based on reactive energy derived from sinusoidal current and voltage of fundamental frequencies, the inductive or capacitive state of a circuit in these recommendations is given by the factor “sin ϕ”. 3.1.7 multi-rate meter energy meter provided with a number of registers, each becoming operative for specified time intervals corresponding to different tariff rates [IEV 31 3-06-09 modified] 3.1.8 meter type meter type (for electromechanical meter) term used to define a particular design of meter, manufactured by one manufacturer, having: a) similar metrological properties; b) the same uniform construction of parts determining these properties; c) the same ratio of the maximum current to the reference current; d) the same number of ampere-turns for the current winding at reference current and the same number of turns per volt for the voltage winding at reference voltage. The type may have several values of reference current and reference voltage. Meters are designated by the manufacturer by one or more groups of letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Each type has one designation only. NOTE 1 The type is represented by the sample meter(s) intended for the type tests, whose characteristics (reference current and reference voltage) are chosen from the values given in the tables proposed by the manufacturer. NOTE 2 Where the number of ampere-turns would lead to a number of turns other than a whole number, the product of the number of turns of the windings by the value of the basic current may differ from that of the sample meter(s) representative of the type. It is advisable to choose the next number immediately above or below in order to have whole numbers of turns. For this reason only may the number of turns per volt of the voltage windings differ, but by not more than 20 % from that of the sample meters representative of the type.

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