
AS 62053.21 pdf download

AS 62053.21 pdf download

AS 62053.21 pdf download.Electricity metering equipment (ac)— Particular requirements
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62053 applies only to newly manufactured static watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 1 and 2, for the measurement of alternating current electrical active energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only. It applies only to static watt-hour meters for indoor and outdoor application consisting of a measuring element and register(s) enclosed together in a meter case. It also applies to operation indicator(s) and test output(s). If the meter has a measuring element for more than one type of energy (multi-energy meters), or when other functional elements, like maximum demand indicators, electronic tariff registers, time switches, ripple control receivers, data communication interfaces, etc. are enclosed in the meter case, then the relevant standards for these elements also apply. It does not apply to: – watt-hour meters where the voltage across the connection terminals exceeds 600 V (line- to-line voltage for meters for polyphase systems); – portable meters; – data interfaces to the register of the meter; – reference meters. The safety aspect is covered by IEC 62052-31 :201 5. Regarding acceptance tests, see IEC 62058-1 1 :2008 and IEC 62058-31 :2008. The dependability aspect is covered by the standards of the IEC 62059 series.
7 Electrical requirements
In addition to the electrical requirements in IEC 62052-1 1 , meters shall fulfil the following requirements. 7.1 Power consumption The power consumption in the voltage and current circuit shall be determined at reference conditions given in 8.5 by any suitable method. The overall maximum error of the measurement of the power consumption shall not exceed 5 %. 7.1 .1 Voltage circuits The active and apparent power consumption in each voltage circuit of a meter at reference voltage, reference temperature and reference frequency shall not exceed the values shown in Table 1 .7.1.2 Current circuits The apparent power taken by each current circuit of a direct connected meter at basic current, reference frequency and reference temperature shall not exceed the values shown in Table 2.The apparent power taken by each current circuit of a meter connected through a current transformer shall not exceed the value shown in Table 2 at a current value that equals the rated secondary current of the corresponding transformer at reference temperature and reference frequency of the meter.NOTE 1 The rated secondary current is the value of the secondary current indicated on the current transformer, on which the performance of the transformer is based. Standard values of maximum secondary current are 1 20 %, 1 50 % and 200 % of the rated secondary current. NOTE 2 In order to match current transformers to meters, the meter manufacturer should state whether the burden is inductive or capacitive (for transformer operated meters only). 7.2 Influence of short-time overcurrents Short-time overcurrents shall not damage the meter. The meter shall perform correctly when back to its initial working condition and the variation of error shall not exceed the values shown in Table 3. The test circuit shall be practically non-inductive and the test shall be performed for polyphase meters phase-by-phase. After the application of the short-time overcurrent with the voltage maintained at the terminals, the meter shall be allowed to return to the initial temperature with the voltage circuit(s) energized (about 1 h). a) Meter for direct connection The meter shall be able to carry a short-time overcurrent of 30 I max with a relative tolerance of +0 % to –1 0 % for one half-cycle at rated frequency. b) Meter for connection through current transformer The meter shall be able to carry for 0,5 s a current equal to 20 I max with a relative tolerance of +0 % to –1 0 %. NOTE This requirement does not apply to meters having a contact in the current circuits. For this case, see appropriate standards.The test shall be carried out as follows: after the voltage circuits have been energized at reference voltage for at least 2 h for class 1 and 1 h for class 2, without any current in the current circuits, the maximum current shall be applied to the current circuits. The meter error shall be measured at unity power factor immediately after the current is applied and then at intervals short enough to allow a correct drawing to be made of the curve of error variation as a function of time. The test shall be carried out for at least 1 h, and in any event until the variation of error during 20 min does not exceed 0,2 %.

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