
AS 62053.61 pdf download

AS 62053.61 pdf download

AS 62053.61 pdf download.Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)— Particular requirements
1 Scope
This International Standard applies only to newly manufactured ”combined meters”, measuring more than one type of electric energy (e.g. active and r eactive) and m eters integrating additional functions which are not in the scope of the IEC 60687, IEC 61 036, IEC 61 268 standards and the s tandard in preparation for static apparent energy meters; these additional functions, all related to electric energy metering are, for instance, maximum demand indicator, time switches, ripple control or radio receivers, etc. When other devices and f unctions not r elated to elec tric energy metering and billing ar e enclosed in the s ame meter case (such as power line c arrier devices, load c urve recording devices, telephone and radio transceiver or network current and voltage m easurement and analysis devices, etc.) this standard applies only to the ener gy metering and processing section. For all the meter characteristics and functions already described in existing standards, these standards will apply for the corresponding characteristics and functions.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of IEC 62053. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of IEC 62053 ar e encouraged to inves tigate the pos sibility of applying the m ost recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IEC 60687:1 992, Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) IEC 61 036:1 996, Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2) IEC 61 268:1 995, Alternating current static var-hour meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 multi-energy meter meter which, in a s ingle case, measures two or three types of energies (watt-hour, var-hour, VA-hour) 3.2 multi-function meter basic or multi-energy meter which, in a single case, has functions that are not described in the basic standards for watt-hour, var-hour and VA-hour meters NOTE – M ulti-function meters may include: maximum demand indicator, time switches, ripple control or radio receivers, pulse output devices, etc.
4 Requirements
4.1 Standard electrical values Refer to IEC 61 036. 4.2 Name-plates Refer to IEC 61 036, with the following additions: b) designation of type (see definition 3.1 .4 in IEC 61 036) ; each type of measurement performed (watt-hour, var-hour and VA-hour) shall be indicated; I) the class index of each type of measurement (watt-hour, var-hour and VA-hour). 4.3 Power consumption 4.3.1 Voltage circuits The active and apparent power consumption in eac h voltage c ircuit of a m eter at reference voltage, reference temperature and reference frequency (see 5.1 .1 ) shall not ex ceed the values shown in table 1 .The figures in table 1 ar e mean values. Switching power supplies with peak power values in excess of these specified values are permitted, but it s hould be ens ured that the r ating of associated voltage transformers is adequate. If the meter is operated with an auxiliary power supply, table 1 is not applic able and the maximum consumption of this power supply can be agr eed upon betw een the us er and the manufacturer. The consumption of each voltage circuit shall be less than 2 W and 1 0 VA. 4.3.2 Current circuits For multi-energy meters the consumption shall be not greater than the values specified in the appropriate standards.
5 Tests and test conditions
5.1 General testing procedures 5.1 .1 Test conditions All tests shall be carried out under reference conditions according to IEC 61 036. NOTE – To simplify the tests, the test conditions will be according to IEC 61 036. 5.1 .2 Type test The type test defined in IEC 61 036 shall be m ade on one or more specimens of the m eter selected by the manufacturer, to es tablish its specific characteristics and to pr ove its conformity with the requirements of this standard. 5.2 Test of power consumption The power consumption in the voltage and current circuit shall be deter mined at r eference values of the influence quantities given in IEC 61 036. The overall precision shall be better than 5 %.

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