
AS 62054.11 pdf download

AS 62054.11 pdf download

AS 62054.11 pdf download.Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)— Tarif and load control
1 Scope
This part of IEC 62054 specifies particular requirements for the type test of newly manufactured indoor electronic ripple control receivers for the reception and interpretation of pulses of a single audio frequency superimposed on the voltage of the electricity distribution network and for the execution of the corresponding switching operations. In this system the mains frequency is generally used to synchronize the transmitter and receivers. Neither the control frequency nor the encoding are standardized in this standard. This standard gives no requirements for constructional details internal to the receiver. In the case where ripple control functionality is integrated in multifunction electricity metering equipment, the relevant parts of this standard apply. This standard does not cover the acceptance tests and the conformity tests. Nevertheless, an example of what could be an acceptance test is given in Annex D. The dependability aspect is covered by the documents of the IEC 62059 series. The safety aspect is covered by IEC 62052-31 :201 5. When using this standard in conjunction with IEC 62052-21 , the requirements of this standard take precedence over those of IEC 62052-21 with regard to any item already covered in it.
7 Electrical requirements and tests
The requirements and tests specified in IEC 62052-21 and the following apply. 7.1 Supply voltage 7.1.1 Supply voltage range The values specified in IEC 62052-21 apply. 7.1.2 Supply frequency range IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.1.3 Power consumption IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.1.4 Voltage dips and short interruptions See 7.6.8. 7.1.5 Long interruptions of supply voltage Requirements If the position of the output elements is controlled only by the information received from the decoding element – the ripple control messages – the output elements shall not change their position at an interruption of the supply voltage, the length of which is to be agreed on between user and supplier, or shall take up the pre-determined position within 5 s after the restoration of the nominal supply voltage. If the position of the output elements is also affected by the timers of the ripple control receiver, then the output elements shall take up their position according to the timer programme. Test of effect of a long interruption of the supply voltage The test consists of verifying that, after interrupting the supply voltage for an agreed length of time and when the supply is restored to the receiver, the output elements retain or return to the position that they had before the interruption or that they take up the predetermined position agreed between the user and the supplier. This test shall be carried out for all possible positions of the output switches.The restoration of voltage shall be made with switching devices free from bounce. 7.1.6 Operation reserve Requirements If the ripple control receiver is equipped with a back-up power supply, IEC 62052-21 applies. Tests The test consists of verifying that, after interrupting the supply for a time period of 36 h, the internal timers of the ripple control receiver maintain their value and when the supply is restored to the receiver, the output elements take up the position according to the timer programme. 7.1.7 Life of back-up power supply If the ripple control receiver is equipped with a back-up power supply, IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.1 .8 Back up power supply replacement If the ripple control receiver is equipped with a back-up power supply, IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.2 Heating IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.3 Insulation IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.4 Output elements IEC 62052-21 applies. 7.5 Functional requirements and tests – Control performance 7.5.1 General test conditions Place the ripple control receiver under test in its normal operating position and, if necessary, in a climatic chamber and supply it from an apparatus free of short interruptions and voltage dips. Unless otherwise indicated, the reference conditions shown in Annex B of IEC 62052-21 shall be maintained.

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