
AS 7240.12 pdf download

AS 7240.12 pdf download

AS 7240.12 pdf download.Fire detection and alarm systems
1  Scope
1.1 This part of ISO 7240 specifies requirements, test methods and performance criteria for line-type smoke detectors for use in fire detection systems installed in buildings. The detectors consist of at least a transmitter and a receiver and can include reflector(s), for the detection of smoke by the attenuation and/or changes in attenuation of an optical beam. 1.2 This part of ISO 7240 does not cover — line-type smoke detectors designed to operate with separations between opposed components of less than 1 m; — line-type smoke detectors whose optical path length is defined or adjusted by an integral mechanical connection; — line-type smoke detectors with special characteristics, which cannot be assessed by the test methods in this part of ISO 7240. NOTE  The term “optical” is used to describe that part of the electromagnetic spectrum produced by the transmitter to which the receiver is responsive; this is not restricted to visible wavelengths.
4  Requirements
4.1  Compliance In order to comply with this part of ISO 7240, the detector shall meet the following requirements. a) Clause 4, which shall be verified by visual inspection or engineering assessment, shall be tested in accordance with Clause 5 and shall meet the requirements of the tests. b) Clauses 7 and 8, which shall be verified by visual inspection. 4.2  Individual alarm indication 4.2.1 Each detector shall be provided with an integral red visual indicator by which the individual detector releasing an alarm can be identified, until the alarm condition is reset. Where other conditions of the detector can be visually indicated, these shall be clearly distinguishable from the alarm indication, except when the detector is switched into a service mode. For detachable detectors, the indicator may be integral with the base or the detector head. 4.2.2 The visual indicator shall be visible from a distance of 6 m in an ambient light intensity up to 500 lx at an angle up to a) 5° from the vertical axis of the detector when viewed from beneath the detector in any direction and b) 45° from the vertical axis of the detector when viewed from beneath the detector in at least one direction. 4.3  Connection of ancillary devices The detector may provide for connections to ancillary devices (remote indicators, control relays, etc.), but open- or short-circuit failures of these connections shall not prevent the correct operation of the detector. 4.4  Monitoring of detachable detectors and connections 4.4.1 For detachable detectors, a means shall be provided for a remote monitoring system (e.g. the control and indicating equipment) to detect the removal of the head from the base, in order to give a fault signal.4.4.2 If there are cables connecting separate parts of the detector, then a means shall be provided for a remote monitoring system (e.g. the fire detection control and indicating equipment) to detect a short or open circuit on those cables, in order to give a fault signal. 4.4.3 If more than one detector can be connected to the transmission path of a remote monitoring system (e.g. control and indicating equipment), the removal of a head from the base shall not prevent an alarm signal from another detector connected to the same transmission path. 4.5  Manufacturer’s adjustments It shall not be possible to change the manufacturer’s settings except by special means (e.g. the use of a special code or tool) or by breaking or removing a seal. 4.6  On-site adjustment of response threshold value 4.6.1 If there is provision for on-site adjustment of the response threshold value of the detector then a) for all of the settings at which the manufacturer claims compliance, the detector shall comply with the requirements of this part of ISO 7240 and access to the adjustment means shall be possible only by the use of a code or special tool or by removing the detector from its base or mounting; b) any setting or settings at which the manufacturer does not claim compliance with this part of ISO 7240 shall be accessible only by the use of a code or special tool, and it shall be clearly marked on the detector or in the associated data that if these setting or settings are used, the detector does not comply with this part of ISO 7240. 4.6.2 These adjustments may be carried out at the detector or at the fire detection control and indicating equipment. 4.7  Protection of optical components The detector shall be so designed that a sphere of diameter greater than (1,3 ± 0,05) mm cannot pass into any enclosure containing optical components when the detector is in the operational condition.

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