
AS 7240.2 pdf download

AS 7240.2 pdf download

AS 7240.2 pdf download.Fire Detection and Alarm Systems
4  Requirements
4.1  General 4.1.1 FDCIE shall have provision for grouping the signals from points to provide zonal indications. 4.1.2 The processing of signals shall give the highest priority to the indication of fire alarms. 4.1.3 FDCIE shall be capable of unambiguously indicating the following functional conditions, in accordance with 4.3 to 4.8: — quiescent condition; — fire alarm condition; — fault warning condition; — disablement condition, where the condition is provided; — test condition, where the condition is provided; — supervisory signal condition, where the condition is provided. 4.1.4 FDCIE shall be capable of being simultaneously in any combination of the following functional conditions: — fire alarm condition; — fault warning condition; — disablement condition, where the condition is provided;— test condition, where the condition is provided; — supervisory signal condition, where the condition is provided. 4.2  Compliance 4.2.1 In order to comply with this document, FDCIE shall meet the following requirements. a) Clause 4, which shall be verified by visual inspection or engineering assessment, shall be tested in accordance with Clause 5 and shall meet the requirements of the tests. b) Clause 7 and 8, which shall be verified by visual inspection. 4.2.2 If an optional function with requirements is included in FDCIE, then all the corresponding requirements shall be met (see Annex A for a list of optional functions). 4.2.3 If functions other than those specified in this document are provided, they shall not jeopardize compliance with any requirement of this document. 4.3  Quiescent condition Any kind of system information may be displayed during the quiescent condition. However, no indications shall be given which could be confused with indications used in the — fire alarm condition, — fault warning condition, — disabled condition, — test condition, or — supervisory signal condition. 4.4  Fire alarm condition 4.4.1  Reception and processing of fire signals FDCIE shall enter the fire alarm condition when signals are received which, after any necessary processing (see Annex B), are interpreted as a fire alarm. FDCIE shall be capable of receiving, processing and indicating signals from fire detection zones. A signal from one fire detection zone shall not falsify the processing storing and/or indication of signals from other fire detection zones. Except where 4.4.11 or 4.4.12 applies, the time taken by scanning, interrogation, or other processing of signals from fire detectors, in addition to that required to take the fire alarm decision, shall not delay the indication of the fire alarm condition, or of a new fire detection zone in alarm by more than 10 s.4.4.2  Indication of fire alarm condition The fire alarm condition shall be indicated without prior manual intervention. The indication is established when all of the following are present: a) a visible indication, by means of a separate red light‑emitting indicator (the general fire alarm indicator); b) a visible indication, as specified in 4.4.3, of the fire detection zones in alarm, which may be omitted for FDCIE capable of receiving signals from only one fire detection zone; c) an audible indication, as specified in 4.4.4. 4.4.3  Indication of fire detection zones in alarm The fire detection zones in alarm shall be visibly indicated by means of a separate red light‑ emitting indicator for each fire detection zone or an alphanumeric display or both (see also Annex C). If the zonal indications are on an alphanumeric display, which because of its limited capacity cannot simultaneously indicate all the fire detection zones in alarm, at least the following shall be displayed: a) the first fire detection zone in alarm, in a field at the top of the display; b) additional fire detection zones in alarm, in another field; c) the total number of fire detection zones in alarm; d) fire detection zones in alarm not currently indicated, at access level 1 or 2. A single manual action shall be required to display each zonal information. Fields or the alarm window, may be temporarily suppressed to permit the display of additional fire detection zones in alarm; however, if there is no further manual intervention, the display shall meet the requirements of a), b) and c) within 30 s of the suppression. 4.4.4  Audible indication The audible indication shall be capable of being silenced at access level 1 or 2 by means of a separate manual control. This control shall only be used for silencing the audible indication, and may be the same as that used for silencing in the fault warning condition. Access level for the silence control may be configurable, see A.2.

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